Hello August! Aren't you a bit early to arrive? I mean it was just April! How are you here so fast? I know it is time for you due to the hot and muggy weather but still. I'm not ready! These days are flying just like all of those who were older and wiser than us when we were young told us they would. The same 24 hours simply do not feel the way they used too. Sigh.
But we "old-timers" know to embrace the same 24 hours in all the ways that we can, right? We know the value of the minute. We know that seeing the sun rise on a new day is not a given. We know to hold on to what we've got and let go what we should not.
Most of the time. ;-)
So yes it is so very hot and humid here and you know that this isn't my best season but again how thankful am I to be here to complain about the heat and humidity? Ummmm ..... VERY thankful. When it gets this hot, I tend to stay inside more - after feeding Papa Goose and walking the lake of course. I painted a few beach scenes yesterday to cool off in my mind. Oh and I bought a little sketchbook last week and some pencils too. So far, I have sketched Maggie and this handsome, beloved old-timer guy ...
Can you believe Marley is 14 years old today! After my son adopted him from the SPCA, he was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia and his vet at the time said he would most likely not live past 5 years old. Well he was wrong. As Marley aged, his dysplasia seemed to improve and he has lived a very happy and very spoiled life. Deservingly so! The sweetest boy ever. He is now deaf, as of a few months ago, but has quickly learned to rely on the antics of the doxies to know what is going on. He is also the smartest boy ever too.
Happy Birthday Dear Marley! We love you!!
Young, old, or in between - life is worth embracing.