To those of you who are having some difficulties, or are in emotional or physical pain, or perhaps on the mend but are just needing a friend .... PLEASE know that I always keep you in my heart and that all of us here CARE and love you. You are not alone. We gift each other with our loving presence in the way that we can in this life. Our thoughts and prayers ripple into the universe to the one and ones intended for. It is such a beautiful thing.
And sometimes we just need to be quiet and sometimes we just need to be loud. Sometimes we just need to fill our minds with what we see and then our hearts fill accordingly. The imagery in our life is so important. I know that it helps me - what I choose to focus on and seek. Whether it be family, friends, nature, or all the little things that I love in my home, I have to focus on what makes my spirit happy or at peace. It is not that we should shield ourselves from the harsh realities of life and live in a cloud but we have to really try to balance the bad and seek the good, whatever that may be for us, as much as we possibly can.
We have to keep finding the light that lifts. Does that make sense? Whether it be our child's face; our dog's eyes; our garden's rose; our love's embrace; our friend's voice - whatever lifts us we must seek.
For when found in that moment we were infinite.
And we are in this together.
I love you,