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Shared with Love and Gratitude

A Season

  • to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the sun. a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. ecclesiastes 3:1-8

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claudia, missy, beth, barb, kay, lisa, christine, brenda, darby, delaine, charollette, karen, amy, susan, mary beth, jo, carole, chrissy, anne, sara, lisa, laura, nancy, linda, lynn, ann, shelia, debi, janet, rita, rose, tessa, delaine, judy, susan, mary, valerie, rhonda, sandy, cristina, beth, rachael, susan, lisa, debbie, carol, kris, beth, lisa, amy, suzanne, pamela, dawn, julie, anne, debbie, elke, mary, cindy, annette, stephanie, gail, ann, lisa, lynne, bridget, gina, susan, brenda, veronica, dina, rhonda, toni, cynthia, kim, maryrose, erika, sandy, lavender cottage, kim, mildred, tabitha, edith, samantha, lynn, mary, linda,susan, judith, wende, kris, tina, diana, pam, susan, caroline, chris, amy, holly, lynn, nadine, beth, lisa, gail, susan, pom pom, aura, kerrie, bobbie lynn, leslie, kathy, jane, rosemary, sally, lavender dreams, donna, erica, sue, joanie, judy, lisa, bobbie lynn, rachel, kim, annmarie, jaynesgirl, brenda, rene, alice, melanie, joan, shari, kim, catherine, esther, susan, dewena, stacey, penny, jan, jeannette, lara, kim, jane, doris, lorraine, diva, jane, wende, janice, anna, fran, alice, nancy, amy, judi, becky, patty, vickie, anna, shirley, amy, pauline, fran, tessa, pam, lisa, catarinah, sharon, nibsend, doris, jenny, angela, wende, patty, susan, catherine elizabeth, cindy, diane, summer, debbie, donna, april, beth, cher, sherry, donna, diana, jen, fran, janet, janice, robyn, pam, elizabeth, jacqueline, rose ... ...

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Jennifer Wallace

Kim, it hurts my heart that a teacher told you that. your art is ever so charming. Your emotions are evident in this art....and that would be love.

And I love the self-appointed name... 'Summie'! It sounds like a happy vase of daisies!



domesticcated days are such a blessing and wonderful. nothing better than family dinners and conversation. how about a yummy chicken casserole in your new yellow pan? I can smell the aroma of your lasagana dinner ! :) you make me smile ! and these days make summee love the memories at "birdies" house !


Family times around the table are awesome and precious.Oh your new casserole dish is a Le wonder it baked your lasagna perfectly. How precious the little apron-wearing grandgirlie. Is it okay to hope that her self-given nickname doesn't take? Summer Lynn is such a beautiful name! She is a ray of sunshine and looks very summery to me. Great job on the paintings!

Patty Marker

I totally get what you mean and don't take those times for granted either. And I agree, grandkids make even basic chores special.

G from Ga

I'm so happy for you that your artistic spirit has sprouted forth in new growth even though it was dormant for many years due to an unthinking teacher. Sensitive souls are easily hurt.

I love your art! Your swan and Shawn's seascape are perfect. Time spent with family is a gift and what better gift than to pass your love and wisdom to Summer Lynn.

Red Rose Alley

Kim, Art classes are really popular right now; Jess and Nel took a class and loved it. You really should too because it's apparent that you have a talent for it. Your lasagna sounds scrumptious and so does the salad with vinaigrette dressing. Your painting of the water really is lovely. :~)



Hi sweet Kim :)

You could always make this:


I like this recipe a lot:

By the way, I recognize that cake. You made it on my birthday once :)

Of course, Summie is adorable. I think you should sell your paintings on Etsy. I would buy one! That teacher was crazy. You're more talented than you realize.

Love you,


Mmmm Lasagne love it!! I agree Kim it certainly depends on the vessel that you cook in as to the finished taste. Love your new dish she's a beauty!! Summer Lynne could pass as an Aussie everyone has a nick name either your name shortened like Summie or if you have red hair watch out you'll get Blue,Ginger Bloodnut,Red,Ranga it goes on and on all in good fun though lol. Love how Summer Lynne came up with Summie is so cute! and I adore her little apron I bet she's a great little helper. I think you need to cook some Spinach and Ricotta cannelloni in your new dish. Love your little artworks Teachers have a lot to answer for sometimes if she/he could only see you now with your many talents including beautiful little paintings. Have a Great day!! xo ;)


Your miniature artwork is beautiful. I'd love to see you tackle a few life-size paintings. The one of the swan is precious.

Beth K.

The aprons are back! Love your little paintings! Happy times in Daisy Cottage thanks to the homemaker who makes it a place of love always...


Lovely. This is so funny Summer calls herself Summie and our Piper calls herself Pipie. She will go up to people and say Hi I Pipie. And she loves to help with housework and cooking. It must be something about that age.

I love your paintings. Is there ever a wrong way to do art?

Rene Cerrito

Hi Kim... Art is the personal and individual expression of the spirit and the heart! You cannot ever do it "wrong"... I love your swan paintings... delightful! Enjoy yourself! You know the expression "dance like no one is watching and sing like no one is listening" ... well... paint like no one is judging! Just let your beautiful heart and soul put the color and form where it will and be free and happy about it!


Good morning,
I also had a family meal Sunday to celebrate Father's Day and 2 of my kids birthdays. Crazy, I had thought about Lasagna but my men's favorite is chicken fried steak so guess what I made. I think I'll ask for one of those pans for my birthday in July and the next family birthday is in Aug. and I'll make Lasagna then.
The 2 little ones enjoyed the Slip 'N Slide and the adults enjoyed sitting out on the remodeled front porch. I cherish these moments also and my kids do to. I will admit I don't do it as often as I should. It wears me out but I always survive. Happy Summer Friend!

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