Love is in the air and nests are being made. Mama Swans have begun their sitting and waiting and waiting and waiting.
And right around Easter time, wee fuzzy peeping precious babies will be born - breaking free tentatively and then determinedly from their most beautiful of blue eggs so that they can say hello to the world in only the way that they can.
These moments of everyday miracles that heaven and nature BRING will once again make my heart ...
Well you know - sing.
And overflow with so many emotions.
There's just something in the way (to quote Nirvana here) about the swan. To spend time with them and to witness their poetic and spiritual rhythm of their lives is life changing. And while my heart breaks when the city takes the babies away to raise them off-site and I swear that I won't go back because my heart can't take it, I do.
Because, yes, there's just something in the way......