He was dropped off on the lake by someone the day after Easter. He was all alone in a world unknown.
He had to be so scared and confused. And he must have surely wondered, ala Dr Suess, as he tried to find refuge with a soul who would let him be by their side...
"Are you my Mother?"
Yet, as the universe would have it, he chose not a mother, but a father to cling to. A father, who has a broken leg. A father who let him lean on HIM.
And a father who let him swim with him....
However, Little Duck had to earn his trust. There were moments and to be honest, wounds, that only Mother Nature would understand. But Little Duck would not give up. His plight and his spunk has truly been the wind beneath his wings....
And early this Sunday morning as he was nestled on the grass, secure and smiling in the rays of love ....
I think he felt peace and acceptance.... and happiness.
May Little Duck and his chosen Father now be together in love and harmony forever and ever.