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Shared with Love and Gratitude

A Season

  • to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the sun. a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. ecclesiastes 3:1-8

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karen, margo, jennifer, amy, judy, boom, kay, beth, marilyn, patsy, chris, sanja, marianne, tracie, carole, lyn, amy, sheila, kay, sylvia, jenny, roseanne, sue, lynne, mia, tracie, valerie, tina, rhonda, rachael, meloney, erika, gail, gail, susie, rhonda, debbie, jeri, catarinah, delaine, suzy, mj, lisa, susan, brenda, susan, alice, jean, rhonda, keri, diane, mary, connie, erika, cindy, linda, carol, marcia, rue, pamela, vanessa, barbara, brindusa, hattie, tonette, jim, erika, cindy, jo, sandy, tina, cindy, tekla, pauline, jackie, melody, fifi, sanja, dore, sue, chris, stacey, vicky, marcia, susan, rachel, brenda, val, diane, deanna, amy, erika,vicky, amy, peggy, marianne, delaine, lynn, amy, sharon, bev, erika, bonnie, carly, teri, leah, debbie, lara, erika, laura, c.e.r, kathi, justine, sheila, lara, bj, jannet, donna, tracy, d'ann, sheila, ankita, lynne, deb, lucy, cindy, wilma, delaine, jess, rhonda, deidra, susan, jenny, sally, ankita, lisa, lyn, marian, deb, kimberly, nancy, claudia, missy, beth, barb, kay, lisa, christine, brenda, darby, delaine, charollette, karen, amy, susan, mary beth, jo, carole, chrissy, anne, sara, lisa, laura, nancy, linda, lynn, ann, shelia, debi, janet, rita, rose, tessa, delaine, judy, susan, mary, valerie, rhonda, sandy, cristina, beth, rachael, susan, lisa, debbie, carol, kris, beth, lisa, amy, suzanne, pamela, dawn, julie, anne, debbie, elke, mary, cindy, annette, stephanie, gail, ann, lisa, lynne, bridget, gina, susan, brenda, veronica, dina, rhonda, toni, cynthia, kim, maryrose, erika, sandy, lavender cottage, kim, mildred, tabitha, edith, samantha, lynn, mary, linda,susan, judith, wende, kris, tina, diana, pam, susan, caroline, chris, amy, holly, lynn, nadine, beth, lisa, gail, susan, pom pom, aura, kerrie, bobbie lynn, leslie, kathy, jane, rosemary, sally, lavender dreams, donna, erica, sue, joanie, judy, lisa, bobbie lynn, rachel, kim, annmarie, jaynesgirl, brenda, rene, alice, melanie, joan, shari, kim, catherine, esther, susan, dewena, stacey, penny, jan, jeannette, lara, kim, jane, doris, lorraine, diva, jane, wende, janice, anna, fran, alice, nancy, amy, judi, becky, patty, vickie, anna, shirley, amy, pauline, fran, tessa, pam, lisa, catarinah, sharon, nibsend, doris, jenny, angela, wende, patty, susan, catherine elizabeth, cindy, diane, summer, debbie, donna, april, beth, cher, sherry, donna, diana, jen, fran, janet, janice, robyn, pam, elizabeth, jacqueline, rose ... ...

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Thank you for sharing such lovely pictures. Right now I get a daily dose my new grand daughter through face time. After three grandsons I have sweet grand daughter who lives in Oregon. My son and DIL face time with me just about every day. I get to say hello to Hallie Lynn . A double joy is when my grandsons are here and they get to see "baby Hallie"!
I am blessed.



Thank you so much.....



the joys of your life are so calming and serene to me ....I appreciate you so very much and all you share. looking thru your eyes of life itself brings on a total different look to life..............
its so cozy and homey - so for all you do and all you share with us - and the calmness you bring - thank you so very much -
love ya - me



I appreciate you so very much....
I am so thankful you are here.


Beth K.

I rejoice with you, Kim! I got to see my little grandson, my daughter and son-in-law yesterday. Love,love,love them! They make me smile and this post made me smile today. Thank you, dear Kim!



Thank YOU.



My daily joy is your blog! When you don't post I go and re-visit Daisy Cottage. I am in a season of malcontent and this post brightened my day! Makes me want to move to Florida and find my own little cottage. Thank you for sharing your joys with us Kim!



Thank so much for all.



Hi Kim, the pics are all Beautiful thanks for all you share!! You would be so proud of me I just repainted one of my bedrooms white but I have dressed it in Grey and Yellow and it looks awesome. I Have the picture of Little One in a black frame sitting on the bedside table I just love it. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that doesn't like daylight savings it starts here in a couple of weeks not looking forward to it. I'm with you all the way!!! xox :)



Your room sounds beautiful!!
I am so touched to know Little One's picture is a part of it.... thank you so much for sharing that. xo



:-) Thanks for making my day. Love the pictures of Maggie, Bentley, and Marley.


sooooooooooooo beautiful Kim... The pics.... your thoughts.... Always... always I smile when I am looking / reading your posts from "Dear Daisy Cottage" ... always a treat to be welcomed in... and share a day with those "Fur Babies"!!! :) Terri


I can certainly relate to your crying at the sight of the man with the flag. Had myself a good cry this morning reading facebook. A very proud Mom had taken a picture from her car of her 10 year old son standing alone at the flagpole at school to pray. It was supposed to be a gathering of students to pray but he was the only one there. I bowed my head and asked God to bless that precious little heart and to protect him thru the coming years of his life. School can be such a scary place for children these days and they need our prayers to help them get thru the day. Oh, and by the way, my little Gracie gives good mouth sugar too!!! Don't we love them so? Have a blessed day Kim.



Thank you sweetie....




Thank you for all your sweetness!




Thank you dear heart...and thank you so much for sharing... God bless our youth... they have so much to handle.


G from Ga

Thank you for sharing your daily joys and for making us mindful of our own joys in our daily life.



Thank you for always being a ray of sunshine!


Red Rose Alley

Aaahhh, that is the sweetest picture ever of Bentley kissing you.


Joanie from Michigan

Thank you, Kim, for your beautiful peaceful post.

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