From time to time ducklings are dropped off on the lake. People leave them to fend for themselves as they adjust to their new home. This happens especially after Easter when I suspect their novelty wore off as soon as the Easter baskets were put away. I believe the intentions are good when their owners bring them here but it doesn't always work out for the ducklings. They do not always adjust to the elements and they are not always accepted right away by the other feathered residents.
When I came across these two it was love at first sight but of course! They appear to be a brother and sister, although I am not sure. I sat down to observe them and it was fascinating to see how they communicated with each other and how they huddled together as if to say, "We're not in Kansas anymore!" They were very hesitant to come near me at first but eventually they did and the click of my camera was soon ignored. But I must admit that I truly felt like they were whispering about me.
I promised this darling duckling duo that I would keep checking on them in the days ahead as I stood up to continue my path. And as they walked away, side by side, to continue their path of what surely will be a new life with many obstacles to face - it reminded me that they were embracing their journey in the way that all brave souls must do when faced with the unknown ...
By putting one foot in front of the other with hope and faith.
Thank you so much Kim. This is exactly the message I need today and everyday. My husband passed away unexpectadly two days before Christmas and yes, I just keep putting one foot in front of the other to conquer the unknown and be strong. My faith is strong and I am at peace and I am hoping the best for these little ducklings too.
I love you Kim and all the positive thoughts you bring to us. I am always grateful each time I visit your blog. Thank you so much.
Posted by: Judy | 04/19/2013 at 07:20 AM
I love you.
Posted by: Kim | 04/19/2013 at 07:25 AM
Judy, I'm so very sorry for your loss.
I enlarged the image just above your message, Kim as I thought I saw a heart and, yes, I did. There is a heart on the duckling's bill and a tear.
Be safe, sweet ducklings.
Posted by: G from Ga | 04/19/2013 at 09:08 AM
oh my goodness are these little ducklings so sweet....and yet i hope they arent too afraid.
waddling side by side - relying upon each other.
thank you for sharing
- these two are so precious -
as you are!
Posted by: linda | 04/19/2013 at 09:25 AM
I think that last photo of the little duckies is absolutally adorable.
Posted by: Dena Palmer | 04/19/2013 at 09:50 AM
"embracing their journey in the way that all brave souls must do when faced with the unknown ... By putting one foot in front of the other with hope and faith."
Thank you, Kim.
Posted by: Marcia at The Shop Around the Corner | 04/19/2013 at 11:39 AM
Always leave your page with clarity.
Posted by: Marcia at The Shop Around the Corner | 04/19/2013 at 11:40 AM
This makes me sad :( I hope they are ok. They are so darling.
Amy Jo
Posted by: Amy Jo | 04/19/2013 at 11:51 AM
Your pictures are awesome as well as your insights! It is so amazing what we can learn from nature and little ducklings, if we only take time to stop, look and listen! Thanks for sharing!
Love from Texas~Donna
Posted by: Donna Bradley | 04/19/2013 at 01:06 PM
Kim....take them home!! I can see ducks in your yard!! Maggie would love it!! They're used to being with people so I hope no one takes advantage of them...bless they're little hearts! Your photography is simply usual.
Posted by: Lori | 04/19/2013 at 04:07 PM
Beautiful words and pictures, Kim. G rrom Ga thanks for pointing out the heart and tear. It's hard to put one foot in front of the other many times. Bless you for your faith, Judy.
Posted by: Beth K. | 04/19/2013 at 04:53 PM
Kim, a good message for everyone....especially those involved in the sad events lately. You know the exact words to say and your pictures express so much. Thank you!
Posted by: Debbie from Texas | 04/19/2013 at 11:11 PM
Kim, I just don't see how you can stand all the cuteness you find at the lake every day. It must be very exciting to wake up every morning wondering what awaits you today. Dear Judy, thank you for reminding us to make every day count. I once heard a saying that has stayed with me for many years. It was "Live every day so that when you are gone, it will have mattered that you were here". We should all strive to make a difference in this world. Every day is a gift that should not be wasted. God bless the beasts and the children and all those hurting today.
Posted by: Sandy | 04/20/2013 at 08:54 AM
Beautiful. Speaks to my heart. Thank you for your love for these creatures.
Posted by: Deidra | 04/20/2013 at 09:53 AM
Kim, thanks so much for the unfolding story of your new lake friends. Your words along with your photography, not only pull us into your world, but help us to see the circumstances in our lives with hope and appreciation. Keep writing and using your camera to bring the beauty around you to others.
Posted by: Susan | 04/20/2013 at 10:10 AM
Amen!! Beautiful!! that last picture is just Precious thank you Kim. Love you! ;)
Posted by: Trish | 04/21/2013 at 06:44 AM
Oh my this is so sad but Im happy you are checking on the brave little babies... the photographs are heavenly beautiful... xoxo Kimberly
Posted by: Kimberly Ryan | 05/08/2013 at 02:29 AM