As you will remember, we lost our Mama Duck a while ago, though we don't know to this day what happened to her. And as you will also remember, our Papa Goose mourned deeply. He had loved her and protected her and all of her babies with all of his might. Though not the biological father, he WAS the father to all of her ducklings she gave to the world.
You will also remember that our Mama Duck had precious babies last June and Papa Goose, once again, protected her and her babies with utter and complete devotion. To see a goose love a duck in such a way is truly an enchanting miracle. In the end - though also the beginning - there were three babies that survived and grew to adulthood. One of those babies was a girl.
Even though it was softly raining, I went down to the lake yesterday for I needed to see Papa Goose. And, thankfully, I did. Each and every time that I see him on our lake I am thankful. I never take his presence for granted. I saw that he was standing on the grass next to one of his children of the summer - one of his children that I had not seen in over a month. The one that was the girl. I had so feared that she was gone too.
Well, in a way, I was right. She apparently had been "gone" on a well hidden and protected nest ..... because now she is a mother! Just like her sweet Mama Duck.
And Papa Goose is with her. Protecting her and her babies - just like he did his beloved Mama Duck!
I cannot tell you how much this moment in nature made my heart soar. "Little Mama" and her babies call out for Papa Goose and depend on him and Papa Goose has his spirit again.
And all is right with the world.