Thank you all so very much for your kind words and support. You mean the world to me.
I made myself go back to the lake yesterday. Though I had walked the lake a zillion times before Shawn returned home from boot camp and training last February, it is the walks around the lake with him that are fresh in my mind and etched deeply in my heart.
I slipped on my shoes, slung my bag with feed over my shoulders, and donned sunglasses to cover my swollen eyes.
And then I put one foot in front of the other as we so often have to do when we travel the path of life.
I said hello first to Mama and Papa Swan who are always together and that always comforts me and makes me smile.
Then I said hello and fed Yeti, Shawn's favorite duck ...
He adores her and she adores him.
She seemed to understand me when I told her that Shawn would be right back.
I fed one of Papa Goose and Mama Duck's babies. They have grown so much.
And then I had a long talk with Papa Goose.
For you see, Papa Goose has been very sad lately.
Mama Duck is gone.
We don't know what happened. One morning, a couple of weeks ago, she simply wasn't here anymore. Papa called for her over and over again as he swam along the lake's shore.
It was the most haunting and heartbreaking cry. He loved her so.
And while he has been sad and hasn't had his spunky swagger in the days that have passed since Mama hasn't been by his side, he has been eating and lovingly fathering his babies as he has from day one since they entered our world last June.
Yes he is a single father now.
And a most precious one at that.
And while I may speak to Papa with my voice, he speaks to me with his soul.
Thank you Papa for all that you say and for all that you are.
You and me kid.
We are going to be just fine.