Tropical Storm Debby has visited Florida.
And that includes, of course, our little lake.
The sun is literally shining for the first time in a few days while I type this post and the rain has stopped.
I checked on our special family early this morning before I began my writing. While I was so happy to see that Papa Goose and Mama Duck had weathered another stormy day and night I saw that we lost one of our five babies.
As I fed Papa, it was as if he was trying to tell me what happened. He seemed on high alert too. Sweet Mama was very hungry. And their remaining four babies were happy and really content just to BE.
So I spent as much time with them as I could before I had to leave.
I have VERY GOOD feelings about this little family and I have very high hopes about their family survival.
I do.
And no matter the outcome....this Papa did his VERY VERY best.
A true love story.