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The Music of Daisy Cottage

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Let Your Home Be Your Heart

  • What I hope for my readers and for all keepers of the nest, is that they embrace their homes with their heart and all of the passion that it holds. I want them to know that they can decorate on a limited budget by seeing things in new ways; by rescuing the broken and transforming the ugly. I hope that they flaunt their favorite color and decorate their life with it. I hope that their homes feel like one giant hug that welcomes them each and every time they walk through their front door. More than anything I want everyone to have their own home-sweet-home dream come true! xo, Kim

« It Will Be Okay ... | Main | Moments »

April 28, 2011



Dear sweet Maggie don't you know a mother's heart has no bounds! Your lovely mommy can love many things but will always have room in her heart for you! Chin up!

Lisa Adams

Sweet Maggie. We all love you. :)I bet your mommy loves you more than you will ever know!!!!


so so sad eyes,,


Oh Maggie, you do know how to get the attention you want, don't you? You are such a sweet girl!

Oma Garcia

Please tell my sweet Maggie...that she has no idea how loved both of you are by sooo many!!!

Have a grand day Kim...and please give Maggie a sweet kiss from me...

in Texas

Barbara Anne

Love makes hearts grow larger to accommodate room for everyone and everything you love! Maggie need not fret about that!

Hope everyone in the South is okay. That weather has been crazy and awful.



Maggie.........a mommies love is unconditional and forever. Plus all of here in blog land love your sweet little face also.

Oh Maggie!!!! You AND Marley have a very special place in Mommy's heart just for you !!! It is so very apparent that you "Rule" sweet girl!!!! lol, Terri

Kim... you just make me smile... again.... Have a blessed day!!!!!

Barbara F.

Miss Maggie, your mommy loves you sooooo much, all the way to the moon! Don't you worry your cute little self over it. Plus you have so many aunties out in Blogland who love you to pieces as well. <3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


Such a pretty girl!

Melesa Garrison

Maggie is such a funny girl and so is her mommy!


Maggie, Maggie, Maggie! You have got to stop being so sensitive. Of course Mommy loves you the best!!!


Kisses Maggie from your animal friends in SC.

Love, Chessie, Scamper, Priscilla and Gidget

Kisses from your human friends too!

Love, Missy and Hannah

Kathy Charniak

Love from Annie (cocker) in ILLinois xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, oooooooooooo Of course your mommy loves you silly. Kathy C - Annie's mom

Carol Adams

Always and forever sweet Maggie...(stroking her sweet head...). We love you.. And your sweet Mommy, too. ;)


Maggie, are you a spoiled little dog? Tell mommy thanks for sending such a sweet picture of you. Have been wondering what you have been up too? Love ya, Cindy OK

Susan Freeman

A couple of weeks ago my mobile groomer came over to give Bentley a bath and a trim. Tina brought her little Maltese ~ Lacy along. Lacy visited me while Bentley received his grooming. Although Bentley and Lacy play well together, Bentley was jealous that I had given attention to Lacy. He was mad at me that evening and the next morning. I had to reassure him that his Momma still loves him best. So, don't worry Maggie, your Momma will always love you!!!

Susan and Bentley

Screaming Meme

Oh Maggie! I wuv you!!!

I am having a giveaway series...:) I am starting with a slipcover! I wanted to let you and your readers know...Hugs, Meme

Terri Morse

Oh Maggie, no one can replace you. You're Mama's angel puppy! Hugs, Terri


thank you for the beauty and inspiration. I needed that today. I'm here in Alabama and we are looking around today with new eyes. our hearts are full.


maggie, mommie has alot of love to give - but, your her girl - lot's of love coming your way -

love ya, maria - cottage feel-


Dear sweet Maggie ~ your mommy could not love anyone like she loves you! Your Mom just has enough love to go around the world and that's a very good thing ~ (((Hugs))) ;-)

tea time and roses

Is Maggie the sweet one or what!!:o) Hope you are enjoying a most beautiful spring dear friend.




Your mommy will always, always love you.
Because you are the best friend who doesn't know anything but love. And we love you too.

Hope all is well with you Kim. Enjoy this beautiful weather!

Julie Harward

I love you Maggie...kisses on your pretty nose from me! ;D


Love your blog & the fancy flea looks so marvelous, I would be in heaven! I have a flea market in our area that opens next week, can't wait! great pics!


Hello from one Doxie lover to another! Maggie is so precious! We have 3! Please stop on by and see my babies =)

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Thank You Dear Sis!

Thank you Fifi!

  • "It's people like yourself that make everything beautiful and worthwhile." ~ Fifi

Thank You Ida!

  • Kim I just wanted to thank you again for allowing us into your sweet home! I absolutely loved being there and looking around with you. Your hospitality and sweet spirit make the home even more beautiful! Thanks for reminding me that one day I too will have my "dream come true!" ~ Ida - MOPS Member

Thank You Jane!

  • "I just discovered your blog and am blown away with the comfortable, almost nostalgic feel of it...almost like finding a long-lost friend after many years apart...somehow familiar, but all so exciting and new." ~ Jane

Thank You Dena!

  • "Kim, I love your blog. I so appreciate you sharing every day. I miss you when you're gone. Losing my dear sweet baby boy in Iraq has made me treasure life and those so dear to me. Reading your blog is such therapy for me. You have made me treasure the finer things in life that I use to overlook. Birds singing, flowers blooming, my home and all of the treasures within it. I'm not sure that I ever looked at a teacup or saucer and saw such detail and beauty in it." ~ Dena

Thank You Grace!

  • "I would like to let you know what a joy it is to wake up each morning and read your delightful blog. I always feel as if you are speaking directly to me. Since I was diagnosed with an immune disease a year ago I wanted only to read positive and very inspiring blogs and your blog was the first I found. I think maybe the good Lord meant for me to find your blog and since then it has been nothing but smiles all around. I have tried very hard to stay positive about this disease and very up beat. I know that there is no cure and I have accepted this, but reading things with a positive message and filled with so much love helps. This is where you come in and I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and to let you know how very much you and Miss Maggie are loved." ~ Grace

Thank You Francesca!

  • "Oh my! I have just stepped into heaven. A nostalgic, magic, getaway place where folk love one another and life is sweet. Kim, you will probably never know just how many hearts you have touched with your site. " ~ Francesca

Thank You Kathy!

  • "I visited my friends with their tasteful beige homes and sometimes questioned if there was anyone else in this world who loved the things I did. Then I found Daisy Cottage and a whole community of other women who shop the side of the road, paint their furniture fun colors, and aren't afraid to fill their homes with touches of whimsy and fun. What a relief! We aren't alone! I'm not alone. Thanks for all your inspiration and for confidently sharing your home and the idea that we can have fun with our decorating. I never get tired of visiting here Kim." ~ Kathy

Thank you Rue!

  • "That hankie is like you and your blog Kim. In the middle of all of the other beautiful hankies, it's the one that stands out and makes you feel at home." ~ Rue

Thank You Jeanette!

  • "Sigh.... between your music, red and yellow mellow feeling and wonderful writing I just feel so calm. What would I do without you in the morning with my cup of coffee." ~ Jeanette

Thank You Lenna!

  • "My eyes have been opened to a world I never knew existed. Such vibrant creativity, such caring community: it literally takes my breath away. After so much loneliness and isolation it is overwhelming to me that such a world even exists. In time I hope to be able to fill my garden of life with lovely, loving friends instead of the weeds of loneliness. Until that time lace tablecloths will come out of storage, music and lovely scents will fill the air of this home. And I shall visit the Daisy Cottage when I feel despair raise its dark, obscuring head, for I know from experience, that it is ever lurking behind that next bout of pain and weakness. Your kind and generous response has strengthened my resolve, you have helped me more than you will ever know, my new-found friend." ~ Lenna

Thank You Rose!

  • "What I love best about Daisy Cottage is Kim. I love the way you appreciate every good thing in life and embrace joy in every moment." ~ Rose

Thank You Lisa!

  • "Here's how I can best describe into words how your blog made me feel. You know when you wake up in the morning and there's an early morning thunderstorm and every room in your house is as dark as night? Then, the rain and thunder stop and the sun comes shining through all the windows and you just know it's going to be a beautiful, sunshine day? Well, that's how finding Dear Daisy Cottage made me feel. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kim. You blessed my day and may God do the same for you." ~ Lisa B.

Thank you Pamela!

  • "I am so touched by your words and photographs. Whether in happy or sad times, you inspire my heart and soul. We all need each other's light and you offer us that dose of sunshine." ~ Pamela

Thank you Joy!

  • "Your blog has helped me start to see the beauty in life again." ~ Joy

Thank You Anne!

  • "Thank you for your wonderful blog. I have been "lurking" but had to share with you how much you have helped me embrace the fun of decorating. I came to your blog looking for pictures to inspire me as I redecorate my house with cottage style. Today I was so tangled up in doing it "right" that it was really depressing me. I visited your blog again for some fresh ideas and came away realizing that there is no "right." Just me being me and enjoying my home! I am laying here in bed with tears in my eyes - tears of happiness that it is okay to be me and let that shine through in my house and what I wear and what I make with my hands. You are God's gift to me today and I thank Him and you." ~ Anne

Thank You Tracy!

  • "Your words and thoughts of encouragement help me see myself with value. You are a blessing. Thank you." ~ Tracy

Thank you Karen!

  • "Your humble spirit has not changed through your many posts here in Blogland. You have been blessed with a special gift and I am very thankful you share it with us." ~ Karen

Thank You Betty Jo!

  • "You truly inspire me to do whatever I can in my own little nest. I've always been an artistic dreamer, but you've enlarged my dreams with your way of seeing." ~ Betty Jo
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There's No Place Like Home