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Let Your Home Be Your Heart

  • What I hope for my readers and for all keepers of the nest, is that they embrace their homes with their heart and all of the passion that it holds. I want them to know that they can decorate on a limited budget by seeing things in new ways; by rescuing the broken and transforming the ugly. I hope that they flaunt their favorite color and decorate their life with it. I hope that their homes feel like one giant hug that welcomes them each and every time they walk through their front door. More than anything I want everyone to have their own home-sweet-home dream come true! xo, Kim

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January 27, 2011


Julie Harward's not the moments that take your breath away that are taken into the heart forever! :D


OK. I am bawling my eyes out. That, Kim, is why I always say you are an angel. You see things most of us just cannot see - and your blog helps us see the world in a whole new light.

I love you, too.

And thanks, because I REALLY and truly needed that reminder.

Toni @ The Tattered Cottage

Kim -
I LOVE this post! It truly warmed my heart. I think it is so important to connect with our fellow beings, even if it is for only a moment. That moment can last a lifetime.


It is not what we see on the outside, it comes from the inside. What a nice encounter. People are people and have a lot to offer and enrich our lives. So glad you ran into this man and I bet you made his day as he made yours. Very typical of you and your love of people.


That made me cry. Thank you for sharing.


wow you made me stop and picture you and the man on the bike having a conversation - I was quite moved by it. In this day and age when people are so nervous and scared of each other - that you and he just became instant friends.


I think you met an angel. I wonder if he was answering a question/helping solve a problem.
But maybe I am just being weird!
Much love,

Kimberly Padilla

Hi Kim. I can't be late either. It drives me crazy to think that I am going to be late. I would rather get somewhere an hour early. Regarding the man... more people need to say that to each other. I love you. :) Blessings!


Awww, how wonderfully and unselfishly sweet. Yes, love IS everywhere, as is good, hope, friendship....we just need to slow down to be able to see it. I am glad you did and that you shared it with us! xoxo Connie

Trish Rowley

Kim, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes, what a Blessing, as I was reading this a beautiful verse from the Bible came to mind.
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers
for thereby some people have entertained angels
unawares. Hebrews 13:2 Praise God!! Just Beautiful.
Trish xox ;)


Wow ~ what a beautiful post. Everyone needs love and that man gave it freely to you and you gave it back. What a beautiful moment~;-)

Ricki Jill Treleaven

Aw, thanks for speaking to the little guy. But you never could have been "entertaining angels unawares."

Thanks for being kind to him, Kim, and thanks for sharing your story.

Blessings to you, Kim!

Ricki Jill


What a heart warming post. As I was reading the post I was thinking of the same verse as Kim. We never know the heart or for whence they come the Angels God sends into our lives. I think you have been Touched By An Angel. Thanks for sharing. ~~Sherry~~

Jana T

I'm moved by your story. It is a shame there aren't more people like you and the man on the bike in this world. It would certainly be a better place. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Have a wonderful day!


What a sweet story :) Thank you for sharing! I am going to try to be early from here on out so I dont miss out on things like that :D
So glad you are posting, Love you!


Wow, what a powerful post! Most of us try to shield ourselves from people like this by not making eye contact or ignoring their attempt at conversation--me included. He will probably remember this day for a long time.

Barbara Anne

How rich the world around us is if we open our eyes and our hearts as you did, Kim. Bless your heart and his heart.

I love you, too!


Mary Lou

I think he was an angel.

Amy B

So loving....and I agree with Mary Lou...he was an angel!! Or maybe God Himself. How wonderful! And how wonderful for you to respond as you did. Bless you! Thanks for that uplifting blog.

Erin Houghton

Hi Kim,

On my goodness - Thank you for sharing the lovely story about the man on the bike. I agree with Mary Lou - I think he was an Angel sent just to you and for you to share with us.
Have a beautiful day.
Erin and Bentely


You really are an angel and touch all of those around you. You really made this mans day, and mine, too!


Renie Cee

Good Morning Kim,
What a sweet story. Your humanity toward the less fortunate was so inspiring. I can imagine the man on the bike going thru his day without the kindness you gave to him and he was so appreciative he felt like he just had to show you how he felt. If each one of us reading this blog would practice the same amount of kindness and pass it on we could make an impact for change.




Thank you for sharing this very special moment in your life, Kim. If only we could all treat one another with such kindness. I will remember your story - it's truly touched me.
Have a happy day.

xo susan


I seriously believe he was there for a reason. I have a saying hanging on one of my walls that says "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers........for thereby some have entertained ANGELS unaware". You two have made each others day for a long time and you didn't even know each others name............


What a beautiful post - thank you - You touched his life and he touched yours and the most fabulous thing is that you both touched our lives by helping folk from all over the world have a better day.......

Shannon Olson

That is so beautiful. I too once spoke with a tattered older gentleman, he looked tough, it was at a Burger King. He held the door, met me eye to eye and was so genuine. I felt such peace from him. God is everywhere, especially where we don't always look. I am moved to tears by your beautiful story.
I love you too Kim, this blog is always a fresh start to my day.
And I can not be late either...I also have tried.

Lois Lightweight

As I read this post I found my self say Wow , Kim you are truly an Angel sent to earth
to show the rest of us what true kindness is about , Bless You , =>)

Laura Anthony



~ Love ~


These kind of stories are why I read your post daily and I think he was an angel, maybe not a heavenly one but most certainly an earthly one. Kim you have such a gift that touches so many!!!


There's a lump in my throat.
He was a messenger, I had a similar experience year's ago. I too will never forget, it was almost like a dream but I was wide awake. I truly believe now that the message came from my Dad. Nothing can make me believe otherwise.
You are blessed!

My Blessed Serendipity Life

Where there is LOVE there is GOD.


Wow! What a wonderful day! I still have goosebumps.
Love you!


What a touching and beautiful experience. No judging, no preconceived ideas, just a moment of sweet honesty. I'm sure you made each others day.


Wow. I bet he's so used to people who look past him.


How Beautiful of YOU to be Be There, where LOVE was!!! SOOOO AWESOME!!! God IS Love! :)
God Bless You, Kim!


God bless you Kim....he just put another check mark by your name in his Heavenly Book.

Thanks for sharing this....



i'm in tears too...a lovely man meets a lovely woman..thank you for sharing.

Beth Payne

Dear Kim,
Just had to let you know that I had just come inside after marvelling at a cloud in the blue sky - much like your picture. My cloud was shaped like a crown. Then I read your post and, of course, cried a little. I have a daughter with Down syndrome and have watched her angel ways affect people and bring smiles and love. Thank you for this post and the reminder that the greatest gift is love.


I think that is one of the sweetest things I have ever heard and wish that could be the way we would be towards each other. That is what God would love and bless you and that man.


What an awesome encounter, Kim. I call those God-moments. I've had some of those, and you don't forget them. They show you what's REALLY important in this ol' world. :)

Amy Henry

AAAAA I have a lump in my throat after reading that Kim...thank you so much for sharing that with us....It makes our world seem kinder, gentler and loved.
Hugs to you my friend and I love you too!!!!
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)


Thank you for the beautiful story. I really needed to hear that today. God Bless You!


This is a sweet post!
I have tears in my eyes!

Yes, Love is EVERYWHERE!


Stephanie C.

Bless your sweet heart for being so kind to a stranger.

Ellen Roa

Love. Love. Love. Love is all we need!


He probably has not had the opportunity to say "I Love you" to anyone in awhile.So you were the one he felt most comfortable about doing it.You must have a face that is warm and sincere.As we all know from reading your posts.


Gosh, what a tear jerking moment! You know, one time about 10 years ago I read somewhere and don't know even remember where, but a man I respected greatly, said that whenever anyone asks him for a coin or dollar he always gives it even if it his almost his own last coin or dollar as he felt God placed that person in front of him for a reason. I've tried to live that way ever since and if nothing else, it makes me feel a bit better knowing I can help in a teeny tiny way. And I tell you, when I have been unemployed and in despair many times over the past few years, the kindness and generosity of both friends and strangers has been plentiful!!
You're the best, Kim, and don't forget it!!!


Well, Miss Kim. You can cross off your bucket list to be told "I love you" by one of God's angels. As I read your story I was enveloped with a warm sense of peace.



Oh,Kim, what a beautiful moment in time. You are truly an amazing woman. You would be a wonderful author. Don't know if you ever thought about it, but God gave you a special gift with words. You are truly a blessing to us all. Love, from Okla, Cindy

Charmaine Deadman

two entities saw each other despite their earthly vessels. Thank you

Barbara F.

What a beautiful post today. Earlier posters have said it all. Ditto for me. xoxoxox


That story gave me chills. What a brief yet profound moment in time.

Debbie Masters

Thank you for sharing that beautiful moment with us. I hope that I too would react the same. I am weepy from reading your message........and losing a friend thia am to cancer. Life can be beautiful most of the time. Thank you. Debbie


What an amazing moment...a little girl that I met for the first time did that...except she just looked into my eyes and then said "I love you" and then wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. It was sooo precious, I will never forget it.


Ever think maybe you were not early at all? I think you were right on time to make this person's day. I'm with Trish on the scripture from Heb. Thanks for sharing this awesome moment in your life.

God Bless you, sweet friend!


You write so beautifully and effortlessly. You DO have a gift Kim and this post shows it so well. Your writing reminds me so much of Sue Monk Kidd. Many years ago I got 'Guideposts' magazine and she was featured quite often in it. I was always so happy when there was a story by her. She then went on to write the best-selling 'Mermaid's Chair'. I know that someday we're going to see a book by Kimberly McCole!! Hugs..Sue


Thanks for sharing. I too think it was an angel, like Sophie mentioned. :) Touching!!!!

Sandi ~ A Cottage Muse

It's a wonderful life, isn't it?!


i loved brought tears to my eyes. thanks for sharing!

Carol Adams

Angels Unaware... what a gift..


I love you Kim :)





Laurel :)

sweet pea

i believe that if you are open to the experience you will be in the presence of an angel of God at an unexpected moment. i think you had that moment.



A Romantic Porch

Kim, That is so so sweet and touching. I am going to email you a photo I took today when I went to pick up my daughter from school.I hope you have time to look at it. It is unbelievable. I felt God smiling down as I stood in amazement looking at this. I plan to blog about it when I can. xo rachel


Thank you for sharing. Your message came at just the right time for me. God bless.


Angel unaware.


Oh Kim, this gave me sweet chills. We ALL need love.!



You brought tears to my eyes and my 2 yr. old Ruby said, "Mommy crying?" "Its okay, I just read a good story," I said back. "It's all right," she replied and you know she is right! It is all right. Thanks for sharing, some times I forget to look into others eyes and we all should.

Sherry Smith

Thanks and God Bless Sherry


Simply beautiful.

Debbie Howard

I think you may have entertained an angel unaware. The scriptures say that happens. What an awesome and moving story. Thank you so much for sharing it.


Thank you. You showed this gentleman that he had worth. I think that is what we all want...........

Bonnie Buchiarelli

Hi Kim....Been there/done that. It feels other-worldly, doesn't it. These are winks from God; I'm sure of it. Take Care. :0)


Dear Kim, Earlier in the evening I had read your story about the The Man On The Bike and all the comments on it. Much, much later while playing a game it came to me, that angel was sent by Tabatha to thank you and all your lovely ladies who helped Jack throught his most difficult time with Hearts for Jack. I truly believe she wanted you to know how thankful and how dear she holds all of you for your kindness. We are all on our Lord's time and today was Tabatha's time to send her message to you and your ladies. Linda


Dear Kim,

I really LOVE this post!!!
It almost made me cry. It really touched my heart.
LOVE is everywhere, it doesn't cost a thing... you only need to open your heart!
Have a wonderful weekend, LOVE Nina.

Kim St. Jean

Kim, what a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing, it has absolutely brightened my day!


You were early so you were relaxed and able to have that encounter. I'm usually early, too, and I like to think that I have an approachable face and manner. People are always asking me things in the grocery store. And I'm always willing to answer them. Thanks for sharing with us, Kim.

two crazy crafters

What an extraordinary story. Perfect love casts out fear. Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla

Terri Driggers

To show true kindness and concern for someone in this day and age is precious and valuable... But to look a stranger
in the eye and show love.. is Christ in us!! Love shared is amazing!!! As the tears flow.... I am once again reminded .... How a stranger (or just someone whom we have never had the joy of meeting yet) can touch our daily lives!!! Thank you Kim, Terri

sweet cottage dreams

Such a beautiful story....
God has his way of letting us know
how much we are loved.



A "Divine Moment" meant just for Kim. Just for Kim from Jesus. A message and a smile just for Kim. No matter what, never forget that you are loved Kim. You matter and Jesus sent a messenger to tell you that. Believe and Savior the memory. You are blessed dear friend! xoxo

Betty @ She's Sew Pretty

Oh...this touched me so much too. You have such a sweet soul Kim! love you too!

Terri Takacs

I believe he was an angel too. I'm sure of it ;)

G from GA

Kim, that was so sweet and tender, it brought a tear to my eye. You are such a dear person.


Oh dear Kim, what an absolutely lovely & touching story.... thank you for Blessing us by sharing it! love & hugs to you....


I agree he was an angel. I've experienced something similar and loved hearing your story.


i think people know when you see what's truly inside them and it can take place in just a moment. i just sat here and cried for that man---he probably could see in your eyes that you saw the kindness in him--- the "real" him and he needed that---and I believe that he meant it when he said he loved you.


and BTW the same thing happened to me---I met an angel and he touched my heart and I loved him if only for a moment. XOXO


And I will never forget this story.


Simply lovely...


I think it is possible he may have been your angel, but I am positively certain you were a huge blessing to him.

So many people would not have responded the way you did, they would have felt weird or worried that he was "freaky" or something. I don't know if I would have been able to tell him I loved him, I really don't. I do hope, that should I ever be in a similar situation I will remember your story (I am sure I will) and be more open hearted, and less afraid.

By the way, I read a lot and have for a couple of years, but I don't usually respond.


That was so sweet! :)


I just wandered into your blog and read The Man on the Bike. I truly believe Jesus visits us through others and gives us the opportunity to show our love for him and his children. It is obvious he had a visit with you and you listened not only with your ears but with your heart.

Bless You...

A new fan of your blog...


Patty O'Malley

Sometimes I think God may appear in the form of strangers. Good for you to treat him with kindness.


And here's a tardy HUG all the way from India. Thanks a lot Kim, for being!

Deb Routte

I had to come back and read this again, because it touched me so. It takes a very special and loving spirit to be open enough to see the beauty and value in that simple encounter. Many would have ignored or even shunned that gentleman. But you had the wisdom to be truly present in that moment.
This reminds me of my favorite quote: "We cannot all do great things, but we can all do small things with great love. " Mother Theresa

Thank you for sharing and may God bless.

Stephanie Laura Murray

Amazing story! Thank you for sharing :) The world needs more love.

Pam McCormick

I would have been the one to shun this poor man out of fear.I would have been too busy, rushing and worried that he would ask for money or try and hurt you.Yes I am that person sad to say.I would RATHER be open,calm and gentle like Kim and so many who posted here.Maybe some day.I LOVED the story it will stay with me always and possibly influence an encounter some day.

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  • "It's people like yourself that make everything beautiful and worthwhile." ~ Fifi

Thank You Ida!

  • Kim I just wanted to thank you again for allowing us into your sweet home! I absolutely loved being there and looking around with you. Your hospitality and sweet spirit make the home even more beautiful! Thanks for reminding me that one day I too will have my "dream come true!" ~ Ida - MOPS Member

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Thank You Dena!

  • "Kim, I love your blog. I so appreciate you sharing every day. I miss you when you're gone. Losing my dear sweet baby boy in Iraq has made me treasure life and those so dear to me. Reading your blog is such therapy for me. You have made me treasure the finer things in life that I use to overlook. Birds singing, flowers blooming, my home and all of the treasures within it. I'm not sure that I ever looked at a teacup or saucer and saw such detail and beauty in it." ~ Dena

Thank You Grace!

  • "I would like to let you know what a joy it is to wake up each morning and read your delightful blog. I always feel as if you are speaking directly to me. Since I was diagnosed with an immune disease a year ago I wanted only to read positive and very inspiring blogs and your blog was the first I found. I think maybe the good Lord meant for me to find your blog and since then it has been nothing but smiles all around. I have tried very hard to stay positive about this disease and very up beat. I know that there is no cure and I have accepted this, but reading things with a positive message and filled with so much love helps. This is where you come in and I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and to let you know how very much you and Miss Maggie are loved." ~ Grace

Thank You Francesca!

  • "Oh my! I have just stepped into heaven. A nostalgic, magic, getaway place where folk love one another and life is sweet. Kim, you will probably never know just how many hearts you have touched with your site. " ~ Francesca

Thank You Kathy!

  • "I visited my friends with their tasteful beige homes and sometimes questioned if there was anyone else in this world who loved the things I did. Then I found Daisy Cottage and a whole community of other women who shop the side of the road, paint their furniture fun colors, and aren't afraid to fill their homes with touches of whimsy and fun. What a relief! We aren't alone! I'm not alone. Thanks for all your inspiration and for confidently sharing your home and the idea that we can have fun with our decorating. I never get tired of visiting here Kim." ~ Kathy

Thank you Rue!

  • "That hankie is like you and your blog Kim. In the middle of all of the other beautiful hankies, it's the one that stands out and makes you feel at home." ~ Rue

Thank You Jeanette!

  • "Sigh.... between your music, red and yellow mellow feeling and wonderful writing I just feel so calm. What would I do without you in the morning with my cup of coffee." ~ Jeanette

Thank You Lenna!

  • "My eyes have been opened to a world I never knew existed. Such vibrant creativity, such caring community: it literally takes my breath away. After so much loneliness and isolation it is overwhelming to me that such a world even exists. In time I hope to be able to fill my garden of life with lovely, loving friends instead of the weeds of loneliness. Until that time lace tablecloths will come out of storage, music and lovely scents will fill the air of this home. And I shall visit the Daisy Cottage when I feel despair raise its dark, obscuring head, for I know from experience, that it is ever lurking behind that next bout of pain and weakness. Your kind and generous response has strengthened my resolve, you have helped me more than you will ever know, my new-found friend." ~ Lenna

Thank You Rose!

  • "What I love best about Daisy Cottage is Kim. I love the way you appreciate every good thing in life and embrace joy in every moment." ~ Rose

Thank You Lisa!

  • "Here's how I can best describe into words how your blog made me feel. You know when you wake up in the morning and there's an early morning thunderstorm and every room in your house is as dark as night? Then, the rain and thunder stop and the sun comes shining through all the windows and you just know it's going to be a beautiful, sunshine day? Well, that's how finding Dear Daisy Cottage made me feel. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kim. You blessed my day and may God do the same for you." ~ Lisa B.

Thank you Pamela!

  • "I am so touched by your words and photographs. Whether in happy or sad times, you inspire my heart and soul. We all need each other's light and you offer us that dose of sunshine." ~ Pamela

Thank you Joy!

  • "Your blog has helped me start to see the beauty in life again." ~ Joy

Thank You Anne!

  • "Thank you for your wonderful blog. I have been "lurking" but had to share with you how much you have helped me embrace the fun of decorating. I came to your blog looking for pictures to inspire me as I redecorate my house with cottage style. Today I was so tangled up in doing it "right" that it was really depressing me. I visited your blog again for some fresh ideas and came away realizing that there is no "right." Just me being me and enjoying my home! I am laying here in bed with tears in my eyes - tears of happiness that it is okay to be me and let that shine through in my house and what I wear and what I make with my hands. You are God's gift to me today and I thank Him and you." ~ Anne

Thank You Tracy!

  • "Your words and thoughts of encouragement help me see myself with value. You are a blessing. Thank you." ~ Tracy

Thank you Karen!

  • "Your humble spirit has not changed through your many posts here in Blogland. You have been blessed with a special gift and I am very thankful you share it with us." ~ Karen

Thank You Betty Jo!

  • "You truly inspire me to do whatever I can in my own little nest. I've always been an artistic dreamer, but you've enlarged my dreams with your way of seeing." ~ Betty Jo
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