I am so happy to have THE sweetest soul EVER, Becky, of Sweet Cottage Dreams, as my very special Guest Blogger.
You may remember when I shared about this day when Becky and Laura and Becky's handsome son, Spencer, visited me. That was such a wonderful day because, well, because Becky and Laura and Spencer ARE wonderful. I will never forget our time together.
Becky's cottage home beautifully reflects Becky's loving spirit and her vignettes melt my heart every time. A gifted seamstress, she creates the most adorable treasures and I am the lucky recipient of several of them.
But what I am most lucky about is that our very special Guest Blogger came into my life.
Becky is everything that is RIGHT with our world. She honestly is one of the most beautiful spirits - inside and out - that I have ever met. She is compassionate and sensitive to everyone around her.
She is an inspiration to me in so many ways. A most loving mother, Becky has gone through something in the last year that NO MOTHER should ever ever have to go through. And through her loss and through her pain she continued to be an angel to all of us.
She is my hero.
And here she is....
Welcome Becky!
Greetings! Before I share a little about me, let me take this moment to thank sweet Kim for inviting me to be her December guest blogger. This invitation is like being invited to a Presidential ball! No kidding! Kim is like a breath of fresh air - one of those women in life that really make an impact on you, and she makes you want to be a better person. She is a true inspiration and I am so thankful to have her in my life. Like Fifi said, Kim is genuine. Kim is honest, kind, full of love and sincerity. A true friend for life!
Some of you may already know, but for those who don’t know, I had the pleasure of meeting Kim and Laura (Lallee’s Cottage Blog and fellow Scottie enthusiast), in June of 2008. My two boys, Jordan and Spencer, drove all the way from California to Florida together and I flew back there to meet up with them and visit (and make sure they arrived safe and sound) before seeing Jordan off to his new USAF assignment in Florida. We were so happy to have Jordan back in the states after having served in England and the Persian Gulf for two and a half years. He was really excited about the new base assignment and how wonderful the base was - which was a stone's throw away from the beach!
Before my trip, I had contacted Kim and Laura and told them that I would be in Florida for a few days. Well, with a little planning and after several emails, a date was set to spend a day together and meet each other for the very first time. I tell you what; it was like going to the first day of school! To get to meet two good blog friends - who live clear across the country - was so exciting and so surreal at the same time. Laura made a two hour drive south to meet us at Kim’s adorable Daisy Cottage (and YES, it is as fabulous in person as on her blog!!!) Spencer was a bit reluctant to hang out with us gals all day, but Kim made all us feel right at home. She served a delicious lunch of hot chicken salad, croissants, strawberries and her sinful chocolate chip bundt cake. We visited, shared stories, laughed, played with sweet Maggie (Spencer swooned over her), took pictures, exchanged gifts and had a spectacular day!! It was as though we have all known each other for years. This day, my entire trip, is etched in my heart and mind forever.
I have to be quite honest with you now, when Kim invited me to be her guest for December I wasn’t sure if I could accept this gift. You see this Christmas is the most difficult Christmas ever. This is the first Christmas without our dear, dear and loving son, Jordan, who became one of Heaven’s angels this past February. This just breaks my heart to pieces to even write about, but I will. I will because I know that I don’t walk this road alone. We all lose loved ones in our life ~ and for some of you, like me, our children have gone before us. It seems so unfair because that is not how we, as parents, expect it to be. It was our family dream to grow old with our children and to have our WHOLE family together to share those special times with and continue making memories.
Kim’s invitation was like a gentle little nudge to take another step in the direction of healing. Funny how this little nudge made me think, so what do I do? Do I pull out the Christmas decorations? Do I even want to decorate this year? My husband and children always loved the Christmas “fluff” and never missed telling me how much cozier the house feels at Christmas time. They shared their appreciation for the time I spent on decorating our homes over the years. I have to remember though that my dear sweet Spencer so loves Christmas time too and it would not be fair to him to not decorate this year. It has been since 2005 that Jordan has shared a Christmas with us. Having a child in the military doesn’t afford the leisurely abilities to come home whenever you wish. We were hoping that this year would be the year we could share Christmas together, however there was a good chance that he would be deployed back to Iraq - like his two good friends (Bobby and Blakely) are right now. However, the cold reality is that Jordan won’t be physically coming home to share anymore Christmas’ with us. So with that thought, I was compelled to decorate as though he was…because I believe he watches over us and will be home for Christmas - in spirit. My heart was set into motion to create a cozy atmosphere for ALL of my family ~ for those in Heaven and on earth.
Do you have family traditions? Besides baking biscotti for family and friends each year, another tradition I started was to buy a Christmas ornament each year for my boys. Most of the ornaments are from Hallmark. I tried to buy one that had a personal relevance to whatever was going on in their life at that time. On the inside of the flap I always wrote a little note about why I chose that ornament and signed it “love, Mom.” The boys loved looking through their box of ornaments - and, needless to say, the storage boxes have grown over the years! For this year, I decided to carry on with our tradition. Spencer and I went to a Hallmark store and he picked out an ornament for himself and together we chose one for Jordan, too. This past weekend, Spen and I spent an afternoon decorating the “family” tree and had some good laughs, shared memories and shed many tears. Both of us felt that Jordan was watching over our shoulders the entire time and checking out his box of ornaments as we carefully hung them up. Spencer was so sweet and insisted on hanging Jordan’s up first. He was actually worried that if he didn’t there wouldn’t be any space left on the tree after he hung all of his own ornaments. I do think that he now realizes that the tree can hold a lot more ornaments than he ever imagined!
Awhile back one of my blog readers wrote to me asking how I manage to get through my days after losing Jordan. Besides the huge support of my friends and family, I find myself having the need to create and stay busy. Decorating this year for Christmas has actually been very therapeutic. Each year I try to change things up a tad bit and this year I decided to add a tree in our recently redecorated dining room. The room was done on a pretty tight budget, so in keeping with that, I decided to decorate with ornaments from The Dollar Store and make some handmade ornaments out of burlap. A burlap garland was fashioned by cutting 2 ½” wide x 56” long strips and tying them together in a chunky bow. For the “tinsel” I simply stripped strands of burlap and draped them on the tree. Our hydrangea bushes gave us ample blessings of big fat blossoms this year. The dried blooms, along with some cherished ornaments from friends, filled the tree in rather nicely. Simple, easy and affordable.
Another fun tree to decorate is our small kitchen tree. My collection of cookie cutters, especially my Scottie ones, has grown over the years thanks to many thoughtful friends - and you all know who you are! Along with the cutters, I tied on some vintage salt and pepper shakers and ornaments I made for our very first Christmas (the little yo-yo wreaths). Sitting next to the kitchen tree is a sweet Santa that my lovely mother gave me this year. He couldn’t be more perfect next to that tree! Now if only I could put him to work to help make those biscotti that my dad and his girlfriend love so much.
The most important thing to me about Christmas is that we would not have Christmas without Jesus. This is HIS day, His very special birthday. Funny how this works, it is HIS birthday yet HE gives us all a gift. A gift of life for an eternity through believing and having faith. I cannot think of any better gift in life than that. Hallelujah!
Awhile back, Kim wrote something to me that I think about every single day. She said, “Becky, you are now breathing for Jordan.” And she is right. Think about these words….I am now breathing for my son. So how do I do this? I do this by carrying each and every special memory of him close to my heart and thank God for giving me Jordan as a gift ~ a beautiful blessing. Life can set me two steps back, but my Faith in our Lord pulls me three steps forward. I know that my sweet brown-eyed Jordy boy can now look Jesus in the eye and tell him face to face, “Happy Birthday, sweet Lord - Happy Birthday!”
Wishing all of you peace and love this Christmas. Thank you, Kim, for giving me the gift of your friendship. I just love you so much!
Thank YOU Becky and I love YOU.
Now, let's treat ourselves to these beautiful images that Becky captured just for us of her California home all decked out for Christmas!
*click on any photo for a larger view*
Everything is so pretty isn't it? Don't you just love her Scottish Terriers, Fiona and Doogs? If you haven't visited Becky's blog before, please do because each visit will warm your heart.
AND Becky is treating us to a Giveaway! She is generously giving away these extra special treasures....
If you would like the chance to win this lovely Giveaway from Becky which includes the book Christmas Gifts From the Kitchen; a pennant that Becky handmade and is a beautiful tribute to the season; a piece of rhinestone jewelry and burlap; a burlap cone for your Christmas tree - just like the one that is on Becky's; a FAITH book marker; four gift containers for food; old crochet lace; and a pair of Christmas socks, then please leave a comment below - in this post - and I will pick the winning name on Sunday.
Thank you for welcoming Becky. It was an honor to share her with you and I know you are going to love her too.
*edited* to add a photo that Becky shared with me today.
I think THIS photograph of Becky and her precious son, Jordan, is the most beautiful one of all.
Kim, thank you for sharing Becky with us...and thank you, Becky, for sharing yourself with us. Keep the faith...
Posted by: C.E.R. | December 10, 2009 at 10:37 AM
Oh my...beautiful images, but so much more. I'm not sure I can even write a whole comment without tears. This past year has been difficult for my family in many ways - but nowhere near what Becky and her family have experienced. Her faith and sincerity just shine through every word, and remind me that it's time to move forward. (My faith is of a different "flavor", as I am Jewish, but it all still makes sense and has meaning for me.)
Thank you Becky, for sharing so much of your heart with us. And thank you Kim, as always, for bringing beauty into my day!
Susan G
Posted by: SusanG | December 10, 2009 at 10:42 AM
Dear Kim:
I think both you and Becky have to be the two most sincere beautiful bloggers in blogland. Becky and I have talked on the phone before and you are right, she is an amazing woman. She has been so genuine in sharing her loss of Jordan and she is an example to look up to. Someday I hope to meet her in person as I hope to one day meet you and see your gorgeous Daisy Cottage. Bless you both.
Posted by: LeAnn | December 10, 2009 at 11:03 AM
Becky - My heart breaks for you! Thank you for sharing yourself with us today on Kim's blog. I pray you and your family have a blessed Christmas.
Kim - Thank you so much for letting Becky share today. And I'm so glad that Maggie is going to be fine!!
Posted by: MJ Smith | December 10, 2009 at 11:23 AM
Dear Kim,
You and Becky are most beautiful ladies and I am so thankful to share your lives through your blogs! I loved my walk through Becky's "Candy Land" and appreciate her willingness to let us have a glimpse her life - both the good and bad times. God Bless You Both!
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
Posted by: Teacup Lane (Sandy) | December 10, 2009 at 11:24 AM
God bless you and your family, Becky. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Posted by: Sharon Avinger | December 10, 2009 at 11:30 AM
Thank you so much for sharing your friend and to her for sharing her beautiful lovelies and that chocolate dessert?? . My thoughts will be with you and know that you are doing so much to heal yourself and those around you just by being the one that they know and love.
Posted by: Diane | December 10, 2009 at 11:31 AM
Beautiful photos ladies! I am so sorry for your loss Becky, words cannot express....
Posted by: Janet (Shabbyfufu) | December 10, 2009 at 11:35 AM
Hi Kim & Becky
Such a gorgeous "guest blogger" post! Your home looks wonderful Becky all dressed for the holidays. Your story, heartwarming and beautifully written ♥ I love your collection of Scottish Terriers ~ Fiona and Doogs are adorable!
Posted by: Deb | December 10, 2009 at 11:41 AM
On Halloween one of my dearest friends lost her wonderful son who had been battling a brain tumor for 7 years. All of us who love her have been trying to think of ways to help make this season manageable for her. One of the things that Becky said---"you are now breathing for Jordan"---a quote from you, is something I intend to pass on to my dear friend. She feels that and to hear it expressed in that way will lift her heart as it has mine. Thank you for sharing dear Daisy Cottage with us all. I said a prayer for Maggie and her mommy. Have a lovely holiday season.
Posted by: Sharon | December 10, 2009 at 11:41 AM
I love all of the beautiful decorations! It inspires me to add more to my collection for my baby's first Christmas!! Thank you! Lauren
Posted by: Lauren King | December 10, 2009 at 11:50 AM
Hi Kim - I live about one hour from Becky and was blessed to have met her. My neighbor and myself spent an afternoon with her and she is a delightful person. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thank you.
PS - Great news about Maggie. I had been thinking about your family.
Posted by: Terri Bartgis | December 10, 2009 at 11:57 AM
Thanks Becky for sharing your thoughts and your beautiful home. You are a very courageous woman. Your home looks so festive and Kim thanks for introducing us to Becky. Becky will now be added to my favorite blogs. Love fr ILLinois Kathy C
Posted by: Kathy Charniak | December 10, 2009 at 12:00 PM
What a beautiful home and more importantly, what a beautiful spirit. Becky -your story has brought tears to my eyes. My daughter is in the military and thank God, she is safe in Texas. My heart aches for the loss of your precious son. Our family was broken 3 years ago when my husband died suddenly. Things are never the same, but hearts DO mend. Thank you for sharing your home and your story.
Posted by: Debbie | December 10, 2009 at 12:01 PM
I am so glad that you introduced Becky to me!! I have never "met" her in blogland. Her story really touched my heart, I can't imagine her loss. Have a wonderful holiday season!! ps...Beckys house is beautiful!!
Posted by: Diana Thompson | December 10, 2009 at 12:04 PM
Wonderful to meet Becky. So sorry to hear about Jordon, but such comfort to know that because of Christ, they can be reunited. They are not separated forever.
I thoroughly enjoy your blog, Kim.
Posted by: Karen Flanagan | December 10, 2009 at 12:05 PM
Thank you Kim, I was thinking about Becky this morning and here she is popping up on your blog! My heart just goes out to Becky...and I am impressed by her writing. The pictures of her holiday decor are delightful.
♥, Susan
Posted by: black eyed susans kitchen | December 10, 2009 at 12:06 PM
What an inspiration. I will remember every precious minute with my family this Christmas so they will be with me always. Becky's home is truly beautiful. Thank You.
Posted by: Janet@The Decorating Diaries | December 10, 2009 at 12:07 PM
I have to say that this is/was the most memorable guest blogger that you've had since I've been visiting you Kim...my heart breaks for Becky on the loss of Jordan...how wonderful to know that Becky knows right where he is...in the arms of our heavenly Father...and you KNOW KNOW KNOW that you will see him again one day...life sure can change in a heart beat...I know that from experience...I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (a rare breast CA that only 5% of women get) this past May and have been going through chemo and now radiation( I just turned 44 in Sept)...but through it all I've remembered how good God is and how He has brought me through this and how my faith has grown...my advice to anyone who is suffering a loss or a illness is to stand firm and barrell right through...you can make it with God's help...thank you Kim for the chance to meet Becky...hugs to Maggie from Daisy Mae...Because of Calvary, Robyn
Posted by: Robyn | December 10, 2009 at 12:09 PM
Hi Kim
I really enjoyed reading Becky's guest post. Thanks! She is such a sweetheart just like you said!
Now I'll go and visit her myself and tell her.
We heading to Florida tomorrow. I'll wave from the highway :)
Hugs, Rhondi
Posted by: Rhondi | December 10, 2009 at 12:14 PM
OH my goodness, what a lovely home and what a wonderful woman! I am touched to tears by Becky's journey and am SO inspired and amazed by her faith and perseverance! I know our Lord is so gentle, kind and good but am not sure I could put one foot in front of the other if I lost one of my sons. Thank you Kim (once again) for sharing one of your precious friends with us! I will now be "stalking" Becky's blog daily like I do yours!
Posted by: Kelly McMaster | December 10, 2009 at 12:17 PM
I adore Becky's blog and applaud her spirit and strength. Thank you, Kim, for choosing her as your guest blogger. What a nice post!
Posted by: Rachel from A Cupcake for Moose | December 10, 2009 at 12:23 PM
Thank you Kim for sharing Becky's story with us..she reminds us of what is truly important in life..phone your loved ones..give lots of hugs today..beautiful home with a loving soul...
Posted by: bettyann | December 10, 2009 at 12:33 PM
God Bless....what a touching story...love her decorations !!!
So very nice to meet you Becky...
Thanks Kim & Becky for this post...
I would be honored to be entered into this giveaway...
Thanks so much and Merry Christmas...
Kathy :)
Posted by: Kathy | December 10, 2009 at 12:48 PM
I really enjoyed all the lovely photos and inspiration for decorating for Christmas. I live alone and haven't decorated this year but I am going to start just for me.
Posted by: Gigi | December 10, 2009 at 12:49 PM
I am new to your blog.. I am enchanted by it. I will be back... again and again I am sure. Blessings!
Posted by: Gwen | December 10, 2009 at 01:01 PM
Such an inspiration and such warmth to open your heart and your home to everyone. I almost felt like I was intruding but looking with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat for a very inspiring lady. Thank you for the warmth and sharing your love of Jordan. He had to be as wonderful as you.
Posted by: Peg Gilham | December 10, 2009 at 01:04 PM
Thank you, Kim, for having our dear Becky as a guest on your blog. She's a friend that I treasure.
Posted by: Miss Jean | December 10, 2009 at 01:09 PM
Wow, I'm not sure I can type with the tears streaming...such a beautiful tribute to Jordan. Becky is an amazingly strong woman and my heart goes out to her. It's just not the normal life progression to have a child go before you, however, it is so true that He has given us these children as a gift. A true GIFT from His heart for ours. I volunteer with Soldier's Angels as well as Chemo Angels and it is difficult to understand the 'why' of who is chosen to go before us. It is obvious though that they are in the most wonderful, peaceful, blessed place there could ever be! Becky's home is beautiful, warm and cozy and such a reflection of her and her heart.
Thank you for sharing Becky with us today! Both of you are incredibly wonderful ~
Posted by: Pat | December 10, 2009 at 01:17 PM
Dear Becky,
When I read your post, I was expecting to be inspired by Christmas images and to hear about your lovely family... but when I got to the part about you losing Jordan, my heart leaped into my throat and I choked up. I'm a teacher and right now I'm sitting with a class of grade 12 students who are working away industriously while I tear up at my desk. Honestly, I couldn't even look at the pictures because I feel so heavy and sad for you and your family. (I will come back to Kim's blog later and look, I promise.)
I wish you and your family all the best. I hope you have a blessed Christmas and that you feel Jordan's presence throughout the holiday.
Much love,
Posted by: Rachel | December 10, 2009 at 01:21 PM
it was so nice to meet your wonderful friend. becky, praise the Lord for your faith in Him. it is so thoughtful of you to host a giveaway a beautiful one at that. thank you. to kim and becky and your families have a merry merry CHRISTmas.
Posted by: aimee | December 10, 2009 at 01:40 PM
What a special post.
Posted by: Dottie | December 10, 2009 at 01:43 PM
I just love Becky too - such an inspiration she is! Her dogs are too cute also....she has been through a lot this last year and her faith is so strong. She has such profound words for us all - thanks for having her as your guest blogger!
Posted by: Rochelle Gaukel | December 10, 2009 at 01:50 PM
You have left me speechless and yet filled with many emotions.
Posted by: Linda Johansen | December 10, 2009 at 01:53 PM
I really hope that Becky and her family have a wonderful Christmas this year filled with memories - both new and old!
Posted by: Emily | December 10, 2009 at 02:08 PM
Thanks to Becky for sharing her story and her beautiful home at Christmas. I have a 21 year old son named Jordan, who is away at college studying for finals. I can't imagine my life without him. We really need to count our blessings each and everyday.
Posted by: Gina | December 10, 2009 at 02:10 PM
thank you for helping dear becky through this difficult christmas. she is one of the sweetest kindest people that i've ever {never} met. i love her with my whole heart.
happy holidays to you~~
Posted by: the wild raspberry | December 10, 2009 at 02:16 PM
What a wonderful, wonderful post! Thank you so much Kim for having Becky as your guest blogger. Thank you so much Becky for sharing with us from your sweet heart. I'm still very sad over the loss of your son. I too learned the strength of our Lord during a devastating loss of my own this past year. I know He has you secure in his hands. Thanks too for sharing your beautiful Christmas home with us. ♥
Posted by: Betty Jo | December 10, 2009 at 02:17 PM
Thank you Kim for encouraging Becky to open up and enjoy the season....
She is such a sweetheart!
I love her and her home...she is such a strong inspirational gal!
Thanks you two...... this post is wonderful!
I would love to be included in your give away!
Hugz and warm wishes
Posted by: Dollys Cherry Heart | December 10, 2009 at 02:21 PM
I had read about the loss of Becky's son. I simply cannot imagine the pain. I'm so sorry. Thankfully, she has a relationship with Jesus to see her through until they are together again. God bless her and you too!
Warm blessings,
Posted by: Spencer | December 10, 2009 at 02:23 PM
Dear Kim and Becky,
This is such a perfect holiday post in so many ways and a wonderful tribute to your friendship.
Miss B - I think this is the most amazing thing you have written to date. Very moving. You are beautiful inside and out. Thinking of you... -amy
Posted by: Into Vintage | December 10, 2009 at 02:28 PM
"Simply" lovely! Words cannot express.
Merry Christmas, Carrie
Posted by: Carrie | December 10, 2009 at 02:34 PM
Becky is a "Angel" on Earth.....I have been lucky enough to meet her in person and even more fortunate that we live only about an hour & 1/2 drive from each other.
She creates wonderful things and her home is a reflection of her creativity. I hope to visit it one day soon.
I know I will need her Motherly advice throughout the New Year.....her lovely Jordan, was in the Air Force and my son Jarred has his heart set on joining too. He takes his asvab test next week!
You picked a wonderful guest blogger...perfect for the Holiday season :)
Posted by: Sheri and Sophee~a | December 10, 2009 at 02:34 PM
Dear Becky,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and especially Jordan's story, you do not walk alone. I know there is nothing worse than losing a child for I too lost a child, this will be our 12th Christmas without Jennifer. I know that our children want us to be happy and we must breathe and live for them. Because of God's greatest gift, Jesus, we will see our children again. Blessings to you and your family.
Posted by: Peggy | December 10, 2009 at 02:42 PM
What a beautiful home. I have loved looking at every single photograph, and each and every photograph is so full of warmth and Christmas cheer, its just lovely.
Posted by: Lululiz | December 10, 2009 at 02:42 PM
Yes we do love her ! wonderful post miss Kim , I emailed you BTW ( hope that's okay) ~ Sarahlynn oh Happy end of the week !
Posted by: Sarahlynn | December 10, 2009 at 02:44 PM
Beautiful treat for our eyes , I sure do love her style. What a great flair for decorating. And such a sweet soul. Merry Christmas to al.
oxox, Diane
Posted by: Diane | December 10, 2009 at 02:52 PM
Becky, what a blessing to us for you to share what is in your heart right now. I visit your blog often and don't leave the comments that I should...but I've thought so much about your loss.
Your home is just darling and so full of spirit! Sending you hugs as you make it through this first Christmas season without your sweet son.
Posted by: Stacey | December 10, 2009 at 02:54 PM
Becky you are a great decorator. I love what you have done and pray that you and your family are truly blessed. Hope you have a great holiday.
Posted by: Mandie | December 10, 2009 at 03:00 PM
I cannot think of a person more deserving of being a guest blogger than dear Becky. She has been such an inspiration to me and her example of faith always seems to rally me when it need it the most. Getting to see pictures of her unbeleivably gorgeous home is an added bonus. I think I can speak for myself as well as for others who follow her blog when I say that Becky is a gift to all of us this holiday season. Peace, joy and love to you and yours this holiday season.
Posted by: Pat | December 10, 2009 at 03:10 PM
What a wonderful, inspiration and moving post! I have been a follower of Becky's blog for a little over a year and she is such a blessing!
Thank you for sharing her!
Lou Cinda
Posted by: Lou Cinda Munroe | December 10, 2009 at 03:11 PM
Becky - your home is lovely. I am so sorry about your son! I am losing and son, and your story has given me inspiration! Happy holidays to you and yours.
Posted by: Francine | December 10, 2009 at 03:13 PM
Even thought I follow Becky's blog all the time (because we are both Scottie lovers) and know about her life, this retelling in her own words brought tears streaming down my face - what a wonderful, strong friend. Thank you for featuring her.
Posted by: Lynn | December 10, 2009 at 03:17 PM
Becky, thanks so much for sharing your lovely home and your story.
Posted by: TinaTx | December 10, 2009 at 03:27 PM
Greetings Kim!
Wow, it's been awhile since I came to visit you and now I'm wondering why it's been so long. I think it was when I redesigned my blog about a year ago and I lost my friend features. But when I saw that you were interviewing Becky, I thought to myself, is that the same Kim? Sure enough it's YOU!
Anyway... I lurve your darker hair color! It really looks good on you and I see it's a bit longer too!
You are certainly blessed to have met Becky. It's funny how we refer to our blog friends as if we are cozy neighbors isn't it? And here the two of you got to meet, such bliss! This is a beautiful tribute to her and all that she is! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!
And... before I leave I'm making sure I'm back to be a follower again of your blog. Have a great day!
Posted by: Janeen | December 10, 2009 at 03:41 PM
This was such a treat! I love Becky and her beautiful blog! What a sweet person she is...her spirit shines! And I love how you've shared her photos and story with us here. Thank you, sweet Kim! Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Lavender Dreamer | December 10, 2009 at 03:42 PM
Oh how sweet this post is! Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us. I am sure it wasn't easy. Your home is very beautiful and I know it must have been hard for you. When my son was in Korea and Iraq for 2 Christmas, it was hard for me to decorate knowing how much he would love to be home.
Becky, you are still in my prayers!
Jenny Moon
Posted by: Jenny | December 10, 2009 at 03:50 PM
I'm so inspired! Now, I need to get up off this chair and finish decorating my own house.
Posted by: Jen | December 10, 2009 at 03:53 PM
Oh my. What a post! Becky is a very special person because she has endured the greatest of all sorrows this year, but keeps her chin up. Who knows why our paths lead us where they do, to the people, places and events that make up our lives, but our wonderful God is there to help us through with the people, places and events that make up our lives. God bless you both, Becky and Kim. Thank you for sharing life's realities, beauty and inspiration.
Posted by: Joyce | December 10, 2009 at 03:55 PM
Hi Kim,
Thank you so much for sharing Becky with us today on your blog! I have been a blog friend of Beckys for quite a while and was very jealous that she got to visit you! Seems like we keep missing when we try. Someday.....
And to Becky....Your home is beautiful...just like you and your wonderful family. I am sending you a huge hug this Christmas season...
Posted by: Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio & The Comforts of Home | December 10, 2009 at 03:59 PM
OMG I was reading her blog when it happened. It tore me up. I am so thankful to you for bringing her out b/c we should share our sorrows as well as our good times with each other. When my children were growing up every Christmas I made a Baby Jesus birthday cake b/c that is what we are celebrating. His birthday :) Blessings, Janet
Posted by: Jan | December 10, 2009 at 04:18 PM
Christmas this year must be such a hard time for Becky. I am so glad that you are being such a true friend to her.
May God bless you for your kindness and love.
Posted by: Our Red House | December 10, 2009 at 04:26 PM
awesomely done...so glad you decorated and share with us ;)
Posted by: Susan Kirkman | December 10, 2009 at 04:29 PM
OOOOOH how i would love to win these, even though i live in Aust. i am happy to pay the postage, i enter sooo many giveaways but have never one a thing, winge winge winge, anyway have a lovely Christmas everyone win or lose, i love your blogs, thankyou.
Posted by: Amanda Warrren | December 10, 2009 at 04:34 PM
Thank you so much for sharing Becky with all of us. I had to read her comments through misty eyes because I just couldn't imagine losing one of my children and be able to go on and make it through like her family has. She and her family are a true inspiration for us all. God Bless you and your family and Maggie. God Bless Becky and her family and little doggies. Merry Christmas to all!
Posted by: Renie Cee | December 10, 2009 at 04:37 PM
my thoughts and prayers are with you Becky...a beautiful post.
Posted by: Tina | December 10, 2009 at 04:44 PM
Becky thank you for sharing with us. I could not image how hard it would be to lose a child. May god bless you and your family!
Thank you Kim for introducing us to Becky...her home is so beautiful.
Merry Christmas
Posted by: Tabitha | December 10, 2009 at 04:50 PM
I'm just going to say this again...
When I drew your name out for my Pillow Win last week, Becky, I believe with all of my heart that God himself guided my hands. You deserve this and so much more. Your spirit is sweet and lovely and I'm inspired by your walk and faith.
I hope you will always remember that your tears are a language God understands. He will never allow what you can't bear...
I am honored to call you friend. I am blessed.
Love your Site, Kim! I's FAB! I'll be back.
Love, Rebecca @AGP
Posted by: Rebecca | December 10, 2009 at 04:56 PM
Hello Kim and Becky!
Thank you for sharing your friendship and sisterhood. I feel your Love! Becky--I love the Beautiful Christmas Decor and your Home welcomes a loving atmophere that is felt through your pictures. I am so sorry for your loss. As a mother of boys, I think about your strength, faith and perseverance. You are an inspiration! I agree, your son will be HOME with you in spirt and love. Christmas Blessings to you and Kim!
Posted by: Brenda Hall | December 10, 2009 at 04:56 PM
Becky, what a touching post.....your faith and strength are evident. Even in the darkest pain, the Lord is using you.
Posted by: Catie F. | December 10, 2009 at 05:16 PM
Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!
Posted by: Amy | December 10, 2009 at 05:19 PM
What a beautiful home. Lovely post.
Posted by: Erin | December 10, 2009 at 05:40 PM
Dear Kim, thank you so much for letting us visit with Becky. Her blog has long been one of my favorites - and she is truly a remarkable person.
Becky, you write so movingly of your struggle during this first Christmas without Jordan. I know words can never truly express my sympathy and love and support but please know that it is all there for you. Your home is lovely and Jordan will indeed be there with you this Christmas and always.
Posted by: Claudia | December 10, 2009 at 05:41 PM
Thank you for introducing me to Becky. I look forward to following her blog. I was moved by her story, and inspired by her strong faith. Her house is beautifully decorated. Could I have done that so soon after the loss of a child? Probably not, but I am amazed that she has decided to move forward, and enjoy her memories. Please enter me in the drawing. That looks like a great mix.
Posted by: sheila whitworth | December 10, 2009 at 05:47 PM
I came over from Becky's post and I must say that I have really enjoyed reading her heart warming interview. Thank God for good friends like you, who help others through their pain and struggle.
I'm glad you featured her home. It's beautiful. And, so is your blog. I signed up to follow you so I can return often.
Thank you. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.
Posted by: Sissie | December 10, 2009 at 05:47 PM
Thank you, Kim and Becky for this lovely post. I lost my husband this year too. The holidays are proving very hard for me this year. Your beautiful post went straight to my heart. God bless you and you family, Becky, and also Kim and her loved ones==and you too, Miss Maggie.
Posted by: Susan Ramey Cleveland | December 10, 2009 at 06:00 PM
xo Becky. Hope to see you soon! Merry Christmas.
Posted by: pam | December 10, 2009 at 06:08 PM
I cried when I first found Becky's blog and read her posts from earlier this year...and I cried again now. BUT...this time, in addition to still feeling very sad for her loss, I felt proud that she is handling things in a way that makes Jordan's name live on...and in a way that I'm sure makes him very happy. May peace truly be in the heart of Becky and her family this Christmas.
Posted by: Pat | December 10, 2009 at 06:28 PM
Merry Christmas and nice to meet you Becky. Thanks Kim for sharing her :) bark, bark Maggie Girl...
Posted by: Jeanette | December 10, 2009 at 06:30 PM
What a beautiful blog you have. I loved reading about your holiday traditions....oh, and your beautiful photos. I feel as if I'm sitting in your kitchen having a cup of cofffee or tea. I found you through Blogging for Bliss, and I will surely bookmark your address.
Posted by: Marilyn | December 10, 2009 at 07:03 PM
Thanks so much for sharing Your guest Becky with us today. I too..., do love to visit her blog. I almost made it through...almost, and then I saw the last photo, and well...yep, I lost it. You see, I have a Marine and I am so relishing the thought of having him here for Christmas before he deploys from LeJeune in February, a part of the surge Obama is asking for.
I will be praying for Becky. Thanks again, Kim..love to visit here.
Posted by: Julie | December 10, 2009 at 07:18 PM
What a beautiful post. I will need to go and visit Becky's blog. Thank you for sharing.
Posted by: Brenda Towsley | December 10, 2009 at 07:42 PM
This was an amazingly lovely post. From the heartfelt words to the gorgeous pictures.
I enlarged the picture of the "Away In a Manger" pennant and fell in love with it! "Away In a Manger" is my absolutely favorite Christmas carol. I always cry on the third verse. My children just expect it! So, when I saw it was included in the giveaway, I think my heart may have skipped a beat!
Thank you both for a wonderful post!
Posted by: Lady Dorothy | December 10, 2009 at 07:52 PM
I'm in need of Kleenex after reading Becky's beautiful tribute to her lovng son. As a writer, I've discovered such therapeutic value in writing through the difficult seasons. You will come out on the other side of grief, with the help of our Lord.
What tradition do I carry on today? Since marrying in 1980, buying a dated ornament each year (sometimes more than one) has become a cherished tradition. You can read about it here, if you have a minute.
Posted by: Dayle | December 10, 2009 at 07:55 PM
Thank your for sharing Becky with us and Becky thank you for sharing your story with us! I wish you the best in your healing! I am glad you decorated for the holidays, it is important for all of you. Your house is beautiful and I can't wait to visit your blog! Hugs! karen....
Ps...I would love to win the giveaway too!
Posted by: karen | December 10, 2009 at 07:56 PM
Kim, Becky,...Becky, Kim.....I follow both of your blogs...my heart goes out to you Becky. You are doing a fine thing, celebrating for those with you now, and celebrating Jordan's life and memories....tears in my eyes, lump in throat. My husband passed away in a tragic car accident 9 years ago this month, my three kids were, a son 12, and 9 year old boy, girl twins. Life goes on, as difficult as it is. A child is special... I am so sorry for you..thoughts and prayers coming your way.....warmest wishes to both of you and your families....p.s. my son is leaving for basic training in the Army National Guard in January.....my heart is in a special place, and always has been for those who serve....
Posted by: Lynne | December 10, 2009 at 08:04 PM
I love Becky's sweet blog because it is filled with so much delightful color, as is yours, Kim. I know this Xmas will be difficult. That photo of she and her son embracing is heart-wrenching. Thank you for featuring such a wonderful soul and creative woman.
Posted by: Brenda Kula | December 10, 2009 at 08:05 PM
Thank-you for being a good friend to Becky. Merry Christmas, becky up the hill
Posted by: becky up a hill | December 10, 2009 at 08:07 PM
I've read Becky's blog and cried with her this year. Maybe she knows about this poem already, but I'd like to ofer it here for her and any other readers who may be spending their first Christmas without a loved one. I'm sorry it's a little long but it may bring peace to someone's heart, as it did to me when my dad died a week before Christmas 10 years ago. God bless you and your family, Becky.
( This poem is dedicated to those who have
lost loved ones , which have gone to be with
the lord during the past year, who are
spending thier first Christmas in Heaven.)
" I'm Spending Christmas with Jesus this Year"
I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
with tiny lights like heaven stars
reflecting on the snow
The sight is so spectacular
Please wipe away that that tear
For I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year
I hear the many Christmas songs
That people hold so dear
O', the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.
For I have no words to tell you
of the joy their voices bring
for it's beyond description
to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
but, through our memories so dear..
We're never far apart.
I can't tell you of the splendor
or the peace here in this place
Can you just imagine Christmas
with Our Savior.......face-to-face.
I'll ask him to light your spirit
As I tell him of your Love.
Then I'll pray for 'One another'
As you lift your eyes above.
So please let your heart be joyful
and let your spirit sing
for I'm spending Christmas in heaven
and I'm walking with the king.
Posted by: Anne | December 10, 2009 at 08:23 PM
I loved reading this post! Thank you so much!
Posted by: Carol | December 10, 2009 at 08:34 PM
I'm sorry for me that I don't know both of you better but I'm so glad the two of you have each other. Even when most of us would have no words for such heartbreak, it's no surprise Kim would have the most heartfelt sentiment for Becky. I have prayed for you as I've read the post and will do so often. All I can say is I hope your family has some measure of peace this season as you lean on each other and your friends. Thanks Kim, again.
Posted by: Angela | December 10, 2009 at 08:34 PM
I just cried...... I so love Becky and have been her friend here in the blog world for about a year now..... What a beautiful thing and a gracious gift you gave her. She states that it is just another step on her healing journey..... I just cannot imagine her pain..... just cannot imagine......
Christmas blessings to you and I will come back here often........ Sweet Spirit in this place......
Posted by: Denise Walden | December 10, 2009 at 08:36 PM
OMG, what a beautiful place and awesome things she has. Love all the pictures too.
Please enter me in the wonderful drawing you all are so sweet to sponsor.
Posted by: Joy | December 10, 2009 at 08:44 PM
Dear Becky, you truely are one of my favorite people I have met in blogland. I couldn't read this without crying. I pray for you and your family regularly and I know that God is helping you through this valley. Many blessings my dear friend.
Posted by: Kathleen Grace | December 10, 2009 at 08:47 PM
Thank you for sharing your story ... my heart breaks all over for you again. Your house looks amazing, thanks for giving of yourself and your family in this post.
Posted by: Jenny | December 10, 2009 at 08:53 PM
Thank you,Kim, and thank you, Becky,
I am teary-eyed and my heart aches for you, Becky. My sweet daughter's life on this earth, was cut short, also. Not what we expected at all. But like you, we are thankful for her life with us and the happy memories. Her daddy's time here was cut short, too. So now the holidays are much different than before. But I am blessed so much.
Love & Hugs,
Posted by: Hattie | December 10, 2009 at 09:09 PM
What a beautiful picture of a mother and her son. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing. Remember, our children are not our own but gifts from God to take care of - His timing is perfect.
Posted by: chris mohnasky | December 10, 2009 at 09:21 PM
I am heartbroken, like all of you. Thank you Kim, for this beautiful guest post. And thank you Becky, for braving to go forward, holding God's hand, on this journey sharing about your Jordan. Despite the fact that we know Jordan is with Jesus, I know all of you who loved him will miss him. God bless you, Becky, and may his arms hold you tight in the hardest moments. xo Lidy
Posted by: frenchgardenhouse | December 10, 2009 at 09:39 PM
Becky, Thank you for opening your heart to us & sharing about Jordan. I lost my brother just 2 weeks ago. The week before,. our younger sister learned she had a rare but curable form of Lymphoma. It is hard to enter this holiday season with optimism when such sadness fills our hearts. With Faith, we will make it through, one day at a time...one step of grief at a time.
Thank you so much.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
Posted by: Beckie | December 10, 2009 at 09:39 PM
To Kim, thank you for just being, I visit daily and so appreciate your thoughts and sincerity.Becky, words cannot express my heartfelt feelings at this moment. God bless you always and your family. with love, Kat
Posted by: kat | December 10, 2009 at 09:43 PM