What I hope for my readers and for all keepers of the nest, is that they embrace their homes with their heart and all of the passion that it holds. I want them to know that they can decorate on a limited budget by seeing things in new ways; by rescuing the broken and transforming the ugly. I hope that they flaunt their favorite color and decorate their life with it. I hope that their homes feel like one giant hug that welcomes them each and every time they walk through their front door. More than anything I want everyone to have their own home-sweet-home dream come true!
We've tried it ALL. The medicine, the shampoos, the special food - we've tried
E V E R Y T H I N G.
She won't stop scratching and biting.
Any advice? She's miserable!
Poor girl.
Poor baby - I know how miserable she must be. Have you tried visiting another vet to get a new perspective? There must be SOMETHING that will help her!
Hi Kim,
I have two bichions, Mickey and Mango. Mickey has a tends to have the itchies. I sometimes give him a bath in Aveeno and it seems to help and then I watch what the food he eats, since we spoil them and tend to give him table scrapes. Good luck Maggie!!! Hugs, Rosemary~
I have been a lurker forever since I fell in love with Maggie. That face!!
Anyway, my dog also had itching and scratching until my son in law recommended that we try bathing her in Neutrogena T Gel
Well after all the expensive trips to the vet that was the only thing that gave Brandy relief.
She had scratched so hard she had hot spots and itchy patches and the T Gel seemed to clear it all up.
I hope that it might be a solution for you also.
Good luck, I hate to think of that cutie pie feeling bad.
I don't know if you have XM or Sirius Radio, but on Martha Stewart Living Channel on both those carriers, 103 on XM and 112 on Sirius, Dr. Shawn Messennior (sp) pronounced mez-ne-ay has a show called Dr. Shawn the Natural vet. There is a call in number. Also he has a website with email http://www.petcarenaturally.com/
I have listened to him solve many people's problems. Also on that channel is Martha's Vet and also Marc Marrone, the pet guy.
Maggie may need to see a pet allergist.
I hope that helps some. I can't stand to think of the pretty little thing suffering.
I don't know how your air is but we have to use a humidifier in the winter because we run the furnace and the air gets dry and it affects all of us. My poor schitzu itches as well but this really seems to help he.
Missy sends her love to Maggie and hopes she feels better soon.
Hugs, Janis
Is it dry skin? My big dog has dry skin issues and he gets raw eggs every once in awhile when it gets really bad. He LOVES them. I used to also buy Iams Gravy and pour it on his food when he was a puppy (he grew so fast he needed the extra fat for his skin!). My mom also gives her dogs Brewers Yeast, which helps with skin issues too. You can give them Benadryl but I'm not sure about the dose. Hope the little one gets better!!
We also have a dog that sufferes from the itchies every now and then. For ours it's allergies, poor thing is allergic to a lot of different things and the vet actually put him on allergy medication. Ever since then it's managable and he doesn't suffer like he used to. I hope you find a solution for Maggie's itchies soon.
Have a wonderful Sunday,
Has your vet checked for mites? Probably.
Is she sleeping on something that has a fragrance or traces of laundry products that are scented (like Tide or fabric softeners)? Or a material she is allergic to?
It might just be an anxious habit that you could distract her from, if she'll let you. Sometimes those habits can be pretty intense. Does it happen after you've been away from her?
Have they checked her thyroid?
Maybe it's in the water, and she just needs to drink Perrier! ;)
You might want to keep a little notebook of what Maggie is doing and what foods she's eating, in relation to her itchy episodes. If it's constant, it must be something she's ingesting or around all the time. Or else behavioral. Does she get frequent baths? That could dry her coat.
Have you tried adding some oil to her diet?
Sounds like you've pursued most of these ideas already.
I feel bad for her.
I'm so sorry about your itchies, Maggie, and that I couldn't be of more help. I hope you get better soon!
Thanks for letting us try.
I know you must be at the end of your rope with this. We never like to see those we love suffer. A friend had the same problem and not only used the special food, but filtered water as well. Controlling their diet is hard because we don't always know what these little critters might get into. Hang in there. ~Kelly
She may need a shot of steroids or antihistamine to stop the itching cycle. Then some meds to keep it under check. Allergies can come and go from my experience!
Hi Kim~ I am sending a website with a veterinarian I have been reading about. He is in California but can help you in Florida. www.cchvs.com There is a wonderful segment from the news on this site (the segment is called 15 minutes of fame)and it shows what they do. Check it out!! I will be hoping for the best for PRECIOUS Maggie!!! ~Mandy
Poor Miss Maggie! Our little girl Gigi has the same problem. We've tried everything, the medicines, the food, the soaps...nothing works for long and she's at it again too. :(
Hi Kim, I haven't been around for a while and wanted to stop by and say hello. Poor Maggie...I have not ideas to help the situation, but please give her a hug from me.
♥, Susan
Poor, poor Maggie, One of our little dogs was the same way. They put her on prednisone but it really doesn't work. It knocks them completely down and then it's right back. We never found anything for poor Muffin and we tried everything, too. I really hope you come up for a solution for her, maybe with the net and your friends.
My dog has had the itchies many times from various causes, they seem to be related to allergies to different things and benadryl is the answer. One of the problems is during flea season, it seems that she is allergic to flea saliva?!, but our flea remedy is now Comfortis, the only kind that works for the fleas here as they are resistant to everything else including Frontline, that we had used. Good luck!
Hi Kim. I have five furbabies and they have all had the itchies until about three years ago. About three years ago I started giving my girls "Omega 3 Fish Oil" softgels everyday. I also give them yogurt or kefir everyday. I get the softgels at WalMart in the "people" section -- 2 bottles costs less than $6! Make sure the yogurt/kefir has LIVE cultures -- I get mine at the local health food store. My small babies get 3 softgels a day and 1/2 cup of yogurt. My bulldog and boxer get 6 softgels and a cup of yogurt -- NO MORE ITCHIES!! By the way, you can also give benadryl until the fish oil and yogurt combo kicks in. The canine dose of benadryl is 25 mg per 25 pounds of weight, two to three times a day. If Maggie is under 25 lbs. which I'm sure she is...one 25 mg capsule is what I give to my smaller babies. The fish oil and yogurt has been working for my girls for three years! I prefer this natural method over steroids which is the only other thing that ever worked! Good luck!
I also have a wiener dog. She was having the same problem. I thought it was because of the harsh Wyoming climate, but my vet recommended a change in dog food. It has been a miracle http://www.canidae.com/dogs/all_life_stages/dry.html
Kim, our Maltese Sammy was having itching issues too. His hair was falling out and he was gnawing until he was raw...I found this shampoo at a garage sale no less and man it worked instantly. It's called Zema Iodine medicated shampoo. (it's clear so no iodine stains) We are nearly out of it so I googled it and Ace hardware seems to carry it. Poor Maggie I hope you find something that works. Good luck.
I've not read all of the comments here, but I found that giving our dogs any treats that are red in color was terrible for this problem. I finally got them doggie biscuits all in a natural color, and no more problems. I think you might want to take a look at her treats, and get rid of any with artificial colors, especially the red. Hope it helps! It make take a week or more for you to notice a difference but with us, it took less time than that! I love little Maggie! We have a little boy mini doxie, too!
It pains me when animals suffer. I always try to find a natural remedy to any of my pets ailments and any time my dog has had the itches I start to feed her a raw egg every day in her food and a table spoon of cod liver oil and a zinc tablet crushed into her food. Zinc will boost her immune system and most dog foods don't add zinc to their ingredients to cut costs. The raw egg and cod liver oil will give her body extra nutrients that she may be lacking as well as increase her moisture in her skin. It always seems to help my doggy. You also might want to make sure her doggy food has no dyes in it. Maggie may have a food allergy.
My doxie did the same thing and the vet put him on 2 medications for allergies. He took them for about 5 years and then I stopped getting them to him. He doesn't itch now.
We had a pug that suddenly became the same way. ( At age 4) The vet first said that is was an allergic reaction to grass - that didn't work. Took a while but what did work was regular doses of frontline, medicated shampoo, and a diet of pedigree chicken and rice. He lived to be 15 years old and didn't have the itch again. Hope she gets some relief soon.
Abi does the same thing. Charlie Ross seems to be immune. Don't have any answers. I've tried the shampoos, etc. Abi's seems to be worst on her feet and in her ears.
Can I recommend 2 things for gorgeous Maggie's skin condition - 1 is to consider putting her on a raw food diet - raw food for dogs, as opposed to the processed stuff we buy, can reverse ailments from skin conditions, arthritis, digestive disorders etc (check out the very informative website Canine Health Concern - http://www.canine-health-concern.org.uk/ - she gives advice on the damage processed pet foods, as well as non essential vaccinations can do and what foods to give) - my mum put her dog, who's coat was falling out and had terrible irritable bowel syndrome - on a raw food diet and he's now 100 times better,glossy coat and bounding with energy - something the vet was never able to achieve. The other thing to try in the interim for a more immediate solution to the symptoms, is Apple Cider Vinegar - if you google "apple cider vinegar itching coat" it should give you enough links to read about the benefits and how to apply it. It worked on my cat too for her fleas!
Hope these help!
We give both our dogs a fish oil pill in with their food every day... Keeps the skin moist and the hair shiny. Also, maybe try Science Diet/Hills dog food... the lamb flavor. Seems to help with food allergies. Gosh, the poor baby. I can't stand it when my dogs are miserable. Hope you find the answer.
My minature schnauzer also had the itchies. We tried so many things including steroids and special dog food but she was still miserable. We finally tried Atopica (must get it from the vet) and she feels so much better. She is still on the special dog food but without the Atopica she was not getting any relief.
One of my pugs had the same problem. When she turned two, she began scratching uncontrollably. She would scratch until she bled and pulled her hair out! We had her checked by the vet several times and tried changing her shampoo, food, giving her Benedryl, etc. We finally opted to have her allergy tested and that is what it turned out to be. She is allergic to pecan trees (we have one in our back yard) and several different weeds that I'm sure we also have. We give her an allergy shot once a week now and she doesn't itch near as bad. Benedryl helps if she starts to itch before it is time for her next shot. I hope you figure out what is wrong with her soon! Abbie was absolutely miserable!
Awww sweet Maggie-I am so sorry poor thing! My daughter works at a vets office and she has a site http://whiskerpalace.blogspot.com
you can cut and paste that url to visit or go to my blog she is one of my followers. I bet she could give you some ideas. I hope your darling Maggie gets feeling better soon! ~Smiles~Tam!
I Googled : "dog itching scratching biting" & here is a page with alot of info. I hope it helps you and your beautiful sweet doggie Maggie! Jen http://www.thepetcenter.com/gen/itch.html
another very interesting one is: http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2004/404_pets.html.
You know, the funny thing is, my dog has been rubbing his nose on everything in sight, furniture, our legs, and my son said maybe he is allergic to our cat. I doubted that, but it does seem that is a way a dog reacts to allergic symptoms. I am glad I found your blog, so now I can help my poor doggy, too.
Our min pins had the same issue. It was a wheat allergy. Now all their food,treats are wheat free and no more itchies! Hope she gets relief soon, they are miserable and so are you!
This sounds strange but it worked for our dog. Dip her in a mixture of half water and half white vinegar. When it dries, she won't have any vinegar smell and should feel better. Good luck!
Aww poor little one. My brother in law's dog is allergic to many different kinds of dog food. We think she's allergic to grains of some sort that cheaper dog foods are chock full of. He feeds her http://www.tasteofthewildpetfood.com/ . She doesn't itch anymore, unless someone gives her the bad food then she'll scratch all night long again. This food is really good! Beautiful coat too!
Our cat, Sasha, has done that before and it was always the same time each year. She would actually chew at her fur until she was bald in spots.
We didn't take her to the Vet because we knew she would stop eventually and she didn't heart herself.
But I was told it was most likely an allergy, especially since it was during certain times of the year.
(We would have taken her to the Vet but we have been on an extremely tight budget so we could only take Sasha and Storm to the Vet if we thought it was very serious.)
Poor Maggie, the winter makes me dry and itchy, too. Maybe extra love and good scratching will help, lol. Thanks for visiting my blog and adding me to your blog roll! Hope Maggie gets better! Madeline
Well anytime my doxies get anything regarding the skin I use benadryl cream, which stops the itching or if is really dry I use neosporin and I mean coat it on. Dachshunds have dry skin it seems. Maybe this will help??? It does the trick for us.
Our cat, Tabitha had to go to a pet allergist a few years ago, we gave her allergy shots for a year, then some kind of pills (prescription) and after those stopped working she is ond tuna flavored prednisone. The vet said she was lucky to have us as human parents, because had she be let out in the wild her life would not be good. The prednisone will give her quality of life, so that is what we are aiming for.
So, after being long-winded (hehehe) to answer your question, I suggest a pet allergist. Hope it works out for you and Maggie.
So sorry Maggie is suffering. Our papillon pulled out mounds of hair and scratched himself raw. The vet said many allergies are food related, showing up on the skin. He suggested a very limited food diet as a first step. We stuck to it faithfully--NO outside tidbits!! He told us most people find this part VERY difficult--they break the rules, wrecking chances for success. It is a special formulation (must buy through the vet, but reasonable in cost--especially when it worked such MAGIC--food is by Royal Canin--no this is not a paid endorsement!) consisting basically of venison and potatoes (plus of course it includes necessary doggie supplements). The vet further stated that many allergies are triggered by different types of protein, hence the limitation in the (dry kibble type) food. Our boy has been problem-free since! We also switched to a special soothing oatmeal-based dog shampoo while he was healing, but he now is fine with any shampoo. It was really the food issue. Treats are now carrots and other veggies (no dog buscuits!) such as green beans or broccoli, all of which he loves) and he is (medication-free!)happy and scratch-free! Every dog is different--hope you find the right protocol to heal sweet Maggie!
Have they figured out exactly what she's allergic to, Kim? Believe it or not, my parents once had a dog who was allergic to grass! They bathed him in medicated shampoo, and that helped... but I don't know what kind. Do you want me to check with the vet in St. Augustine and see if they have any special shampoos there? They have all sorts of things in their clinic that I don't see other places. If so, email me.
I am so sorry for her. As someone else mentioned in their comments above, has her thyroid been checked? My grandfather had a dog that had the same problem, and the poor thing looked just horrible. Sure enough, it was a thyroid condition. The vet prescribed medicine for the thyroid, and the itching stopped. Take her to the vet & have her checked. It is just a simple blood test. Also, I would ask the Vet about giving her any human shampoos. I used to bath my dog with Pantene until my vet said that was a big NO NO.
I also have a thyroid condition, Graves Disease, and I have to take medicine for the rest of my life. I am a big advocate on getting it checked out. It really can lead to so many various issues.
I love animals so much, and hate to see them suffer. Please keep us updated on her.
Oh Kim, poor Maggie, My vet has started me giving my Maggie fish oil capsules, or you can give her a sardine a day. I had to go with pouring the oil in the capsules over her food and she loves it. I couldn't look at the sardines but Maggie loved them too. The vet says the fish oil is great for their skin and their pads on their feet. Ready for a laugh, She, being my dogs vet told me I needed to take them too, so now Maggie and I are taking them. I hope you find what works really soon because I know she is just miserable and that makes you unhappy too. We love our babies and would do anything to help them.
Jean in Virginia
Nothings worse than an itchy miserable baby-dog. I know because I have one too. Our pug went through a year long series of allergy shots and that did away with everything but the flea allergy, which is SEVERE! I can't overstate how sensitive some dogs are to even one flea bite, it sets off a cycle that lasts for days. Frontline isn't working as well as it should, so we are switching to Revolution. Our vet said Benadryl can be given as often as needed.
Good luck, Miss Maggie!
Hi! Have been reading your blog for several months now and just love it! My son in law gave me his dog several years ago that had no hair left because of some type of problem-either fleas, food, or some type of weeds. The little dog was so bad I didn't even take him to the vet because I was afraid he would put him to sleep. I gave him a bath 2 times a day with a shampoo for pets with skin conditions (found in the pet section) and I fed only rice which I boiled in a large amount a couple of times a week mixed with either lamb or chicken. A vet told me years ago that some dogs are allgeric (?) to beef. Well, that was over 20 years ago and 'Dusty' is STILL alive and looks like a showdog! He is a cocker spaniel and he always waited to eat till I tied his ears up with a red bandana at each meal so they wouldn't get in his food! The best dog ever that let me treat and wash him and gave me no problems. Good Luck. Sharon
My little "Doxie,", Ginger, gets the itchies too. My vet has me give her some little tablets that I can buy at Wal-Mart. They are an Anthistomine that you can get over the counter....."Equate Chlotabs". They are very inexpensive. The vet said to give her a half a tablet two-three times a day. I give Ginger her pills twice a day with her food. It really has helped!!!! She used to scratch herself until she was raw.
When she does get a hot spot we have prescription spray from the vet called "GentaSpray Topical Spray".
I really hope you will try the Chlortabs from Wal Mart. Our dog doctor wants to use steroids only as a last resort. Please let me know how poor Maggie is doing? I know it is miserable for her and hard for you to watch when she is so uncomfortable. Debbi
I'm sorry she's got the itchies. Has the vet diagnosed her with allergies? My now "late" Bailey girl was literally allergic to the world...both inside and out. She was always itchie with watery eyes and runny nose. She was on temeral=P for the itching and skin issues, and the food we found that she did not react to was Natural Choice herring and rice. It stinks! But was so worth the extra $$$. She also recieved grooming with no perfumes, and only all natural oatmeal washes and soaks. I couldn't use any kind of perfumes or perfumed lotions or sprays around her and we had to keep air purifiers on as well. Good luck! I hope your sweet miss feels better soon!
I had a friend who's dog had this same problem. She had to fix her dog oatmeal and rice everyday - rather than dog food when it flared up. I hope Maggie feels better soon - she is adorable.
Apparently some dogs have gluten allergies (gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, barley and rye grains and their by-products) and often these are added to pet foods. Hope you find a remedy!
Hi Kim,
Poor Maggie--we have Gracie, a Lhasa Apso who who when we got her had terrible itching issues. We tried different shampoos, Prednisone, foods, etc. I finally figured out on my own that she is allergic to ANYTHING that has wheat flour in it. She now only eats Iams MiniChunks ProActive Health dog food. When we go to my daughter's house, Gracie will eat out of her dogs bowls and within about three hours or so she will start itching and it will take a day or so for it to stop. No pizza crust bites, no toast scraps, no cookie bites, no wheat period.
She is an absolute delight and happy as can be with no itching!!!
The reason we got her was because her original owners were going to have her put to sleep, because they couldn't deal with the itching and didn't think she could either.
Just about a month ago, our dog Scruffy was itching like crazy. We tried everything but turns out he had flees. In the winter! I hadn't seen any on him but he had them. One treatment made all the difference!
I also have to agree that the fish oil supplements work wonders. My huskie puppy had the worst scales and that's what helped the most. Make sure you have her checked for mites, though.
Oh dear. Poor Maggie. I feel for her. I know you said you tried shampoos but have you tried the anti-itch shampoo from Doctors Foster and Smith? I've used it on Margot and it has worked for her.
Good luck!
only natural products truly work that I know of and adding wild caught salmon oil added to the food. It takes about 2-3 weeks but you will notice results fairly quickly. Hope this helps
Basically there are two types of allergies in dogs. The first type is inhalant with allergies to various pollens, dusts (both outdoor and indoor), dander, etc. These dogs are typically itchy seasonally, and you can practically set your calendar by various bouts with ear infections, hotspots or excessive itching. The other type is food allergy. Some dogs can develop an intestinal irritation or allergy to food, but an even larger group will develop an allergy to some component of the food that will show up as itchy, irritable skin. Many pet owners have their vet give an injection often referred to as an “allergy shot.” These shots are often a steroid injection that stays in the body long-term and can help control the symptoms for several weeks.
Hey Kim, Check and see if her food and treats have a lot of wheat and gluten in them. One of my friend's dog started itching and losing his hair, they think they have traced it to a gluten or wheat allergy. Changed his food and his hair is coming back and itching has stopped. I even get itchy skin when I have had too much wheat in my diet. Poor Maggie! Oliver sends his love. vicky
I had a Scottie with bad skin allergies. A steroid shot given by his vet every few weeks would help for a while, along with oatmeal shampoo. Good luck. Hope Maggie feels better soon!
Dear Kim, Try adding a tablespoon of olive oil to her meal. I did this with my mini schnauzer and it helped. She may be allergic to something or just be sensitive. Ask your vet. And may I say that I stumbled onto your blog about a week ago and love coming here. I love the music list, the content and I love coming to Florida from cold, frozen northern Ohio! Thanks for a great blog and good luck with you doggie. (We have the schnauzer - a rescue doggie, and a shi - poo, a poodle shi - tzu mix). P.S. My vet says benadryl does not affect dogs like humans, it's a waste of time and benadryl.
Well I tell my clients while this time of year is harder on the skin. and we do become dry and unconfortable. the cold is part of the own reason. But I do have another theroy we do not ingest enough water during the winter months we are not hot and so we dont drink as much water check her water intake has it change? if so get her to play hard so she will drink water when we are dehydrated we are not thirsty it is not until we are hydrated that we become thirsty. now I know you have done shampoes are they dog ones? if so, have you tryed people t- gell shampoe? keep it away from her eyes call your vet I have used it on one of my Dogs also remember baking soda is a great neutralizer but I think she needs water and t_gell call the vet and check out my theroy. I live in reno nevada... dry cold weather. hope she gets the relief she deserves.
Oh, God bless Miss Maggie. Sophie gets that way in the summertime. We think it's grass allergy, and of course it's impossible to keep her out of the grass. The only thing that has seemed to help is prednisone, but we don't like to give her that all time. Oatmeal shampoo has helped a bit.
Try some fish oil, extra virgin coconut oil or even extra virgin olive oil. They work wonders for itchy pets. I'm partial to the coconut oil because it doesn't go rancid quickly and it's got super nutrients in it. My dogs love it! No itchy skins here.
I forgot to mention - check to see if your dog's food has wheat or any gluten in it. That is a major cause of dog allergies. Specialty pet shops usually have gluten free foods and treats that are much better for our babies.
Hi Kim,
Thanks so much for visiting Cottage Glamour. I enjoy your blog very much!
I have a little guy that is a Terrier mix. He's had itching problems for a long time. The vet told me that it was allergies. I've noticed that keeping a sweater or shirt on him helps a lot. I'm trying a new food right now that doesn't contain any corn or wheat. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Oh - poor Maggie - my Bentley had the itchcy - itchcy skin until I started giving him a product called DermaBlend. We get it from his Vet and it has vitamin E, and flax seed oil. His skin and coat looks much better and he no longer itches.
Try this: Cut a leg from a pair of nylons. Pour about a cup of oatmeal into the nylon, and tie a knot in the open end. Run a bath for Miss Maggie, and put the "oatmeal sachet" under the running water. Now put Maggie into the tub and let her soak in it for a few minutes. Then rinse her off and love her up. :) Good luck!
I didn't read all the comments, so I don't know if someone has mentioned these things. I'm an herbalist, so I'm all natural!! (at least at first, then I'm running to the drug store!LOL!)
If she were mine, I would give her fish oil. Just pour it over her food. Most dogs like it, but if she's a picky eater, you can get her pills and make her take them.
Fish oils are Omega 3 fatty acids. Not only will that lubricate her skin from the inside, but they also act as an anti-inflammatory, so it should take away the itch. Also, the DHA in fish oil is good for the brain, so, just in case she's got nervous itching on TOP of dry skin, it should help that too.
ALSO. Animals respond INCREDIBLY to flower essence oils. Bach Flower's is a good brand. Go to Whole Foods or a health food store and ask for Rescue Remedy (good for stress which can cause itching)
I hope all that helps! I hate to see them scratching!! My dog licked and scratched from stress when we adopted him. The rescue remedy and fish oils really helped him.
I don't know any remedies, but just wanted to say she is SO sweet. Hope you can find out what ails her. Any thoughts of testing for allergies...do they do tht for doggies?
Hi love-
You may want to explore allergens in your home. Sometimes the items we use to keep our homes clean and fresh aren't so swell for our pets. Try washing her bedding with sent free detergent--the same for dryer towels. Although apple/mango smells devine, it may not be so good for princess maggie.
Such a sweet face that one has!
Your melodies are lovely...
Hi, we just finally fixed this problem with our cairn terrier. I don't know what the special food is that you were giving her but we found that corn and soy cause the itches (which lead to the bald spots...grrr). I actually avoided the vet this time around and went to the feed store and talked with them instead. Problem literally fixed overnight. Good luck. I hope Maggie gets to feeling better
hi kim, I agree with Donna, using omega 3 fish oil and yogurt/kefir. While this kicks in, use extra virgin coconut oil 100% organic on skin if your dog skin looks irratated. You can buy the good stuff at a health food store.Good Luck! If your not sure look on-line to see all the uses for EV coconut oil.
OK - it could be what she is eating but I wonder if its your lawn or do you have this creeping plant called "Wandering Jew"? Its highly allergic . Get rid of it !
Another idea is giving her some flax seed oil in her food or I used to give my Pekingese who had dry skin a sardine fish everyday from a tin! Good luck - itches are so difficult!
We had a similar problem with both dogs recently when the formulation was changed on the dog food we use. We switched to a new brand (human-grade food) and we are also giving the dogs a little salmon oil each day. They are no longer scratching!
Tea tree oil is what I use on my dog who has lots of allergies. It works very well. Can I ask what kind of cake /pie that is below? It looks so delicious I just cant help but ask. Hope your baby is better soon.
Our shitzu has had the same problems as of late...she is four and has always had some skin issues such as "hot spots" mainly from playing with our lab who plays with her and after they have their playtime, Cookie is always a little damp from Maggie's salvia...so the hot spots were a result of moisture from our Maggie...However, now Cookie the shitzu has started licking her underside like crazy...mainly the lower end of her body...it got so bad I started giving her Benadryl...dosage 1 mg. for each pound...it did help some...along with oatmeal dog shampoo (I found at Petsmart/Petco) FINALLY after several weeks of itching I took her in...they gave her a steriod shot w/anthistamine....said it would last for about 8 weeks...that was 2 weeks ago...and she is doing great! He told me it could be a number of things...but ruled out mites, fleas and dry skin. He said, that little dogs that are low to the grown seem to have more problems with this in his findings...and that the morning dew that accumalates on their underside...sometimes causes it to be worse. So we try to keep her as dry as possible...give her Oatmeal baths when we think she may start up again...and will probably repeat the shot in 8 weeks...it has made so much difference...plus when dogs lick or bite at the itches it can cause fungus and problems from the germs and salvia harbored in their mouth! YUCK!
Plus make sure they check her ears for mites, too...that could be another issue...
Good luck...please give Maggie our best...try the Oatmeal Shampoo Bath for relief...and the Benadryl and if those work she most likely has seasonal allergies...and again, these can come on at any time in a dogs life...just like real people!
Kim I just wanted to thank you again for allowing us into your sweet home! I absolutely loved being there and looking around with you. Your hospitality and sweet spirit make the home even more beautiful! Thanks for reminding me that one day I too will have my "dream come true!" ~ Ida - MOPS Member
Thank You Jane!
Thank You Dena!
"Kim, I love your blog. I so appreciate you sharing every day. I miss you when you're gone. Losing my dear sweet baby boy in Iraq has made me treasure life and those so dear to me. Reading your blog is such therapy for me. You have made me treasure the finer things in life that I use to overlook. Birds singing, flowers blooming, my home and all of the treasures within it. I'm not sure that I ever looked at a teacup or saucer and saw such detail and beauty in it." ~ Dena
Thank You Grace!
"I would like to let you know what a joy it is to wake up each morning and read your delightful blog. I always feel as if you are speaking directly to me. Since I was diagnosed with an immune disease a year ago I wanted only to read positive and very inspiring blogs and your blog was the first I found. I think maybe the good Lord meant for me to find your blog and since then it has been nothing but smiles all around. I have tried very hard to stay positive about this disease and very up beat. I know that there is no cure and I have accepted this, but reading things with a positive message and filled with so much love helps. This is where you come in and I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and to let you know how very much you and Miss Maggie are loved." ~ Grace
Thank You Francesca!
"Oh my! I have just stepped into heaven. A nostalgic, magic, getaway place where folk love one another and life is sweet. Kim, you will probably never know just how many hearts you have touched with your site. " ~ Francesca
Thank You Kathy!
"I visited my friends with their tasteful beige homes and sometimes questioned if there was anyone else in this world who loved the things I did. Then I found Daisy Cottage and a whole community of other women who shop the side of the road, paint their furniture fun colors, and aren't afraid to fill their homes with touches of whimsy and fun. What a relief! We aren't alone! I'm not alone. Thanks for all your inspiration and for confidently sharing your home and the idea that we can have fun with our decorating. I never get tired of visiting here Kim." ~ Kathy
Thank you Rue!
"That hankie is like you and your blog Kim. In the middle of all of the other beautiful hankies, it's the one that stands out and makes you feel at home." ~ Rue
Thank You Jeanette!
"Sigh.... between your music, red and yellow mellow feeling and wonderful writing I just feel so calm. What would I do without you in the morning with my cup of coffee." ~ Jeanette
Thank You Lenna!
"My eyes have been opened to a world I never knew existed. Such vibrant creativity, such caring community: it literally takes my breath away. After so much loneliness and isolation it is overwhelming to me that such a world even exists.
In time I hope to be able to fill my garden of life with lovely, loving friends instead of the weeds of loneliness. Until that time lace tablecloths will come out of storage, music and lovely scents will fill the air of this home. And I shall visit the Daisy Cottage when I feel despair raise its dark, obscuring head, for I know from experience, that it is ever lurking behind that next bout of pain and weakness. Your kind and generous response has strengthened my resolve, you have helped me more than you will ever know, my new-found friend." ~ Lenna
Thank You Rose!
"What I love best about Daisy Cottage is Kim. I love the way you appreciate every good thing in life and embrace joy in every moment."
~ Rose
Thank You Lisa!
"Here's how I can best describe into words how your blog made me feel. You know when you wake up in the morning and there's an early morning thunderstorm and every room in your house is as dark as night? Then, the rain and thunder stop and the sun comes shining through all the windows and you just know it's going to be a beautiful, sunshine day? Well, that's how finding Dear Daisy Cottage made me feel. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kim. You blessed my day and may God do the same for you." ~ Lisa B.
Thank you Pamela!
"I am so touched by your words and photographs. Whether in happy or sad times, you inspire my heart and soul. We all need each other's light and you offer us that dose of sunshine." ~ Pamela
Thank you Joy!
"Your blog has helped me start to see the beauty in life again." ~ Joy
Thank You Anne!
"Thank you for your wonderful blog. I have been "lurking" but had to share with you how much you have helped me embrace the fun of decorating. I came to your blog looking for pictures to inspire me as I redecorate my house with cottage style. Today I was so tangled up in doing it "right" that it was really depressing me. I visited your blog again for some fresh ideas and came away realizing that there is no "right." Just me being me and enjoying my home! I am laying here in bed with tears in my eyes - tears of happiness that it is okay to be me and let that shine through in my house and what I wear and what I make with my hands. You are God's gift to me today and I thank Him and you." ~ Anne
Thank You Tracy!
"Your words and thoughts of encouragement help me see myself with value. You are a blessing. Thank you."
~ Tracy
Thank you Karen!
"Your humble spirit has not changed through your many posts here in Blogland. You have been blessed with a special gift and I am very thankful you share it with us." ~ Karen
Thank You Betty Jo!
"You truly inspire me to do whatever I can in my own little nest. I've always been an artistic dreamer, but you've enlarged my dreams with your way of seeing." ~ Betty Jo
Poor baby - I know how miserable she must be. Have you tried visiting another vet to get a new perspective? There must be SOMETHING that will help her!
Posted by: Phyllis | January 25, 2009 at 10:26 AM
Hi Kim,
I have two bichions, Mickey and Mango. Mickey has a tends to have the itchies. I sometimes give him a bath in Aveeno and it seems to help and then I watch what the food he eats, since we spoil them and tend to give him table scrapes. Good luck Maggie!!! Hugs, Rosemary~
Posted by: Rosemary~ | January 25, 2009 at 10:27 AM
I have been a lurker forever since I fell in love with Maggie. That face!!
Anyway, my dog also had itching and scratching until my son in law recommended that we try bathing her in Neutrogena T Gel
Well after all the expensive trips to the vet that was the only thing that gave Brandy relief.
She had scratched so hard she had hot spots and itchy patches and the T Gel seemed to clear it all up.
I hope that it might be a solution for you also.
Good luck, I hate to think of that cutie pie feeling bad.
Posted by: annie | January 25, 2009 at 10:36 AM
I don't know if you have XM or Sirius Radio, but on Martha Stewart Living Channel on both those carriers, 103 on XM and 112 on Sirius, Dr. Shawn Messennior (sp) pronounced mez-ne-ay has a show called Dr. Shawn the Natural vet. There is a call in number. Also he has a website with email
I have listened to him solve many people's problems. Also on that channel is Martha's Vet and also Marc Marrone, the pet guy.
Maggie may need to see a pet allergist.
I hope that helps some. I can't stand to think of the pretty little thing suffering.
Love that peppermill too!
Posted by: Kevin | January 25, 2009 at 10:38 AM
I don't know how your air is but we have to use a humidifier in the winter because we run the furnace and the air gets dry and it affects all of us. My poor schitzu itches as well but this really seems to help he.
Missy sends her love to Maggie and hopes she feels better soon.
Hugs, Janis
Posted by: Janis Zettel | January 25, 2009 at 10:39 AM
I think she probably needs steroid treatment. Poor thing.
PS. I love that red framed chalk board you did in December. How do you do it?
Posted by: Lea Harper | January 25, 2009 at 10:42 AM
Is it dry skin? My big dog has dry skin issues and he gets raw eggs every once in awhile when it gets really bad. He LOVES them. I used to also buy Iams Gravy and pour it on his food when he was a puppy (he grew so fast he needed the extra fat for his skin!). My mom also gives her dogs Brewers Yeast, which helps with skin issues too. You can give them Benadryl but I'm not sure about the dose. Hope the little one gets better!!
Posted by: Megan | January 25, 2009 at 10:43 AM
We also have a dog that sufferes from the itchies every now and then. For ours it's allergies, poor thing is allergic to a lot of different things and the vet actually put him on allergy medication. Ever since then it's managable and he doesn't suffer like he used to. I hope you find a solution for Maggie's itchies soon.
Have a wonderful Sunday,
Posted by: Tam | January 25, 2009 at 10:44 AM
Has your vet checked for mites? Probably.
Is she sleeping on something that has a fragrance or traces of laundry products that are scented (like Tide or fabric softeners)? Or a material she is allergic to?
It might just be an anxious habit that you could distract her from, if she'll let you. Sometimes those habits can be pretty intense. Does it happen after you've been away from her?
Have they checked her thyroid?
Maybe it's in the water, and she just needs to drink Perrier! ;)
You might want to keep a little notebook of what Maggie is doing and what foods she's eating, in relation to her itchy episodes. If it's constant, it must be something she's ingesting or around all the time. Or else behavioral. Does she get frequent baths? That could dry her coat.
Have you tried adding some oil to her diet?
Sounds like you've pursued most of these ideas already.
I feel bad for her.
I'm so sorry about your itchies, Maggie, and that I couldn't be of more help. I hope you get better soon!
Thanks for letting us try.
Posted by: Diane | January 25, 2009 at 11:07 AM
I know you must be at the end of your rope with this. We never like to see those we love suffer. A friend had the same problem and not only used the special food, but filtered water as well. Controlling their diet is hard because we don't always know what these little critters might get into. Hang in there. ~Kelly
Posted by: Kelly | January 25, 2009 at 11:23 AM
Poor Darling ....have you posted your problem on yahoo answers?
Posted by: Sam | January 25, 2009 at 11:33 AM
Poor Maggie. Have you tried Omega 3 drops.
Posted by: | January 25, 2009 at 11:38 AM
She may need a shot of steroids or antihistamine to stop the itching cycle. Then some meds to keep it under check. Allergies can come and go from my experience!
Posted by: Diane@A Picture is worth.... | January 25, 2009 at 12:10 PM
Hi Kim~ I am sending a website with a veterinarian I have been reading about. He is in California but can help you in Florida. www.cchvs.com There is a wonderful segment from the news on this site (the segment is called 15 minutes of fame)and it shows what they do. Check it out!! I will be hoping for the best for PRECIOUS Maggie!!! ~Mandy
Posted by: Amanda | January 25, 2009 at 12:15 PM
Poor Miss Maggie! Our little girl Gigi has the same problem. We've tried everything, the medicines, the food, the soaps...nothing works for long and she's at it again too. :(
Posted by: Dena | January 25, 2009 at 12:39 PM
Hi Kim, I haven't been around for a while and wanted to stop by and say hello. Poor Maggie...I have not ideas to help the situation, but please give her a hug from me.
♥, Susan
Posted by: susan ericson | January 25, 2009 at 12:42 PM
Poor, poor Maggie, One of our little dogs was the same way. They put her on prednisone but it really doesn't work. It knocks them completely down and then it's right back. We never found anything for poor Muffin and we tried everything, too. I really hope you come up for a solution for her, maybe with the net and your friends.
Posted by: Diane | January 25, 2009 at 12:58 PM
I'm so sorry that Maggie is so miserable with the itchies. I do hope you find a solution soon. My Maggie sends her best to your Maggie.
Posted by: Rebecca | January 25, 2009 at 01:22 PM
My dog has had the itchies many times from various causes, they seem to be related to allergies to different things and benadryl is the answer. One of the problems is during flea season, it seems that she is allergic to flea saliva?!, but our flea remedy is now Comfortis, the only kind that works for the fleas here as they are resistant to everything else including Frontline, that we had used. Good luck!
Posted by: christie | January 25, 2009 at 01:29 PM
Hi Kim. I have five furbabies and they have all had the itchies until about three years ago. About three years ago I started giving my girls "Omega 3 Fish Oil" softgels everyday. I also give them yogurt or kefir everyday. I get the softgels at WalMart in the "people" section -- 2 bottles costs less than $6! Make sure the yogurt/kefir has LIVE cultures -- I get mine at the local health food store. My small babies get 3 softgels a day and 1/2 cup of yogurt. My bulldog and boxer get 6 softgels and a cup of yogurt -- NO MORE ITCHIES!! By the way, you can also give benadryl until the fish oil and yogurt combo kicks in. The canine dose of benadryl is 25 mg per 25 pounds of weight, two to three times a day. If Maggie is under 25 lbs. which I'm sure she is...one 25 mg capsule is what I give to my smaller babies. The fish oil and yogurt has been working for my girls for three years! I prefer this natural method over steroids which is the only other thing that ever worked! Good luck!
Posted by: Donna | January 25, 2009 at 01:36 PM
I also have a wiener dog. She was having the same problem. I thought it was because of the harsh Wyoming climate, but my vet recommended a change in dog food. It has been a miracle
Posted by: Holly | January 25, 2009 at 01:37 PM
hi! olive oil or the fish oil pills usually help alot! good luck!
Posted by: tara | January 25, 2009 at 01:42 PM
I don't have any suggestions but I do hope she gets over the itching soon. I will pray for Maggie.
Posted by: CelestialCharms | January 25, 2009 at 01:42 PM
Have they presribed a steroid? Poor thing.
Posted by: Beverly | January 25, 2009 at 01:56 PM
Kim, our Maltese Sammy was having itching issues too. His hair was falling out and he was gnawing until he was raw...I found this shampoo at a garage sale no less and man it worked instantly. It's called Zema Iodine medicated shampoo. (it's clear so no iodine stains) We are nearly out of it so I googled it and Ace hardware seems to carry it. Poor Maggie I hope you find something that works. Good luck.
Posted by: Tracy | January 25, 2009 at 01:57 PM
I've not read all of the comments here, but I found that giving our dogs any treats that are red in color was terrible for this problem. I finally got them doggie biscuits all in a natural color, and no more problems. I think you might want to take a look at her treats, and get rid of any with artificial colors, especially the red. Hope it helps! It make take a week or more for you to notice a difference but with us, it took less time than that! I love little Maggie! We have a little boy mini doxie, too!
Posted by: Joni-MI | January 25, 2009 at 01:58 PM
I agree with the allergist suggestion. It could certainly be something in her diet/pet food that she's allergic to.
Posted by: Jeri Ray | January 25, 2009 at 02:12 PM
It pains me when animals suffer. I always try to find a natural remedy to any of my pets ailments and any time my dog has had the itches I start to feed her a raw egg every day in her food and a table spoon of cod liver oil and a zinc tablet crushed into her food. Zinc will boost her immune system and most dog foods don't add zinc to their ingredients to cut costs. The raw egg and cod liver oil will give her body extra nutrients that she may be lacking as well as increase her moisture in her skin. It always seems to help my doggy. You also might want to make sure her doggy food has no dyes in it. Maggie may have a food allergy.
Posted by: Kim | January 25, 2009 at 02:17 PM
My doxie did the same thing and the vet put him on 2 medications for allergies. He took them for about 5 years and then I stopped getting them to him. He doesn't itch now.
Posted by: Pat | January 25, 2009 at 02:18 PM
We had a pug that suddenly became the same way. ( At age 4) The vet first said that is was an allergic reaction to grass - that didn't work. Took a while but what did work was regular doses of frontline, medicated shampoo, and a diet of pedigree chicken and rice. He lived to be 15 years old and didn't have the itch again. Hope she gets some relief soon.
Posted by: Sondra | January 25, 2009 at 02:39 PM
Abi does the same thing. Charlie Ross seems to be immune. Don't have any answers. I've tried the shampoos, etc. Abi's seems to be worst on her feet and in her ears.
Posted by: Brenda Kula | January 25, 2009 at 02:45 PM
Can I recommend 2 things for gorgeous Maggie's skin condition - 1 is to consider putting her on a raw food diet - raw food for dogs, as opposed to the processed stuff we buy, can reverse ailments from skin conditions, arthritis, digestive disorders etc (check out the very informative website Canine Health Concern - http://www.canine-health-concern.org.uk/ - she gives advice on the damage processed pet foods, as well as non essential vaccinations can do and what foods to give) - my mum put her dog, who's coat was falling out and had terrible irritable bowel syndrome - on a raw food diet and he's now 100 times better,glossy coat and bounding with energy - something the vet was never able to achieve. The other thing to try in the interim for a more immediate solution to the symptoms, is Apple Cider Vinegar - if you google "apple cider vinegar itching coat" it should give you enough links to read about the benefits and how to apply it. It worked on my cat too for her fleas!
Hope these help!
Posted by: Vanessa Wood | January 25, 2009 at 03:27 PM
We give both our dogs a fish oil pill in with their food every day... Keeps the skin moist and the hair shiny. Also, maybe try Science Diet/Hills dog food... the lamb flavor. Seems to help with food allergies. Gosh, the poor baby. I can't stand it when my dogs are miserable. Hope you find the answer.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Posted by: Di | January 25, 2009 at 03:30 PM
My minature schnauzer also had the itchies. We tried so many things including steroids and special dog food but she was still miserable. We finally tried Atopica (must get it from the vet) and she feels so much better. She is still on the special dog food but without the Atopica she was not getting any relief.
Posted by: Debbie | January 25, 2009 at 03:32 PM
One of my pugs had the same problem. When she turned two, she began scratching uncontrollably. She would scratch until she bled and pulled her hair out! We had her checked by the vet several times and tried changing her shampoo, food, giving her Benedryl, etc. We finally opted to have her allergy tested and that is what it turned out to be. She is allergic to pecan trees (we have one in our back yard) and several different weeds that I'm sure we also have. We give her an allergy shot once a week now and she doesn't itch near as bad. Benedryl helps if she starts to itch before it is time for her next shot. I hope you figure out what is wrong with her soon! Abbie was absolutely miserable!
Posted by: | January 25, 2009 at 03:38 PM
Awww sweet Maggie-I am so sorry poor thing! My daughter works at a vets office and she has a site http://whiskerpalace.blogspot.com
you can cut and paste that url to visit or go to my blog she is one of my followers. I bet she could give you some ideas. I hope your darling Maggie gets feeling better soon! ~Smiles~Tam!
Posted by: Tam | January 25, 2009 at 03:53 PM
Is she allergic to wheat and or corn? Maybe try a wheat free dog food and wheat free treats. Deana
Posted by: Deana | January 25, 2009 at 03:58 PM
growing up we gave our dogs brewers yeast for this. I'd try the fish oil too!
Posted by: Robin~Thrifty Miss Priss | January 25, 2009 at 04:00 PM
I Googled : "dog itching scratching biting" & here is a page with alot of info. I hope it helps you and your beautiful sweet doggie Maggie! Jen http://www.thepetcenter.com/gen/itch.html
another very interesting one is: http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2004/404_pets.html.
You know, the funny thing is, my dog has been rubbing his nose on everything in sight, furniture, our legs, and my son said maybe he is allergic to our cat. I doubted that, but it does seem that is a way a dog reacts to allergic symptoms. I am glad I found your blog, so now I can help my poor doggy, too.
Posted by: Jennifer | January 25, 2009 at 04:08 PM
Our min pins had the same issue. It was a wheat allergy. Now all their food,treats are wheat free and no more itchies! Hope she gets relief soon, they are miserable and so are you!
Posted by: Terri B in Oregon | January 25, 2009 at 04:17 PM
This sounds strange but it worked for our dog. Dip her in a mixture of half water and half white vinegar. When it dries, she won't have any vinegar smell and should feel better. Good luck!
Posted by: Susan | January 25, 2009 at 04:37 PM
Awww, poor Maggie! My dog used to have the itchies too, but I don't have any new advice to try. Give her a hug for me, sweet Kim. Miss you girl!
Posted by: Rhoda | January 25, 2009 at 05:26 PM
Aww poor little one. My brother in law's dog is allergic to many different kinds of dog food. We think she's allergic to grains of some sort that cheaper dog foods are chock full of. He feeds her http://www.tasteofthewildpetfood.com/ . She doesn't itch anymore, unless someone gives her the bad food then she'll scratch all night long again. This food is really good! Beautiful coat too!
Posted by: Risa | January 25, 2009 at 05:26 PM
Our cat, Sasha, has done that before and it was always the same time each year. She would actually chew at her fur until she was bald in spots.
We didn't take her to the Vet because we knew she would stop eventually and she didn't heart herself.
But I was told it was most likely an allergy, especially since it was during certain times of the year.
(We would have taken her to the Vet but we have been on an extremely tight budget so we could only take Sasha and Storm to the Vet if we thought it was very serious.)
Posted by: Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks&Me | January 25, 2009 at 05:35 PM
My daughter-in-law gives her dog Benedryl.
She says the dog has allergies. Might check with the vet.
Love Maggie and your website. Thanks!
Posted by: Mary | January 25, 2009 at 05:51 PM
Poor Maggie, the winter makes me dry and itchy, too. Maybe extra love and good scratching will help, lol. Thanks for visiting my blog and adding me to your blog roll! Hope Maggie gets better! Madeline
Posted by: Madeline | January 25, 2009 at 05:59 PM
I was going to say T Gel shampoo too but I see someone already said that. A friend of mine uses that on her horse!
Posted by: cindy~my romantic home | January 25, 2009 at 06:14 PM
Oh dear! Poor pup. I have no advice to give, i'm sorry. But, you do have an adorable pup! :)
Posted by: AshleyL. | January 25, 2009 at 06:15 PM
Well anytime my doxies get anything regarding the skin I use benadryl cream, which stops the itching or if is really dry I use neosporin and I mean coat it on. Dachshunds have dry skin it seems. Maybe this will help??? It does the trick for us.
Posted by: Belinda | January 25, 2009 at 06:55 PM
Our cat, Tabitha had to go to a pet allergist a few years ago, we gave her allergy shots for a year, then some kind of pills (prescription) and after those stopped working she is ond tuna flavored prednisone. The vet said she was lucky to have us as human parents, because had she be let out in the wild her life would not be good. The prednisone will give her quality of life, so that is what we are aiming for.
So, after being long-winded (hehehe) to answer your question, I suggest a pet allergist. Hope it works out for you and Maggie.
Posted by: Sharon | January 25, 2009 at 07:00 PM
p.s. Tabitha is allergic to dust, dust mites, mold, mildew, rye grass, and house flies...go figure..
Posted by: Sharon | January 25, 2009 at 07:05 PM
So sorry Maggie is suffering. Our papillon pulled out mounds of hair and scratched himself raw. The vet said many allergies are food related, showing up on the skin. He suggested a very limited food diet as a first step. We stuck to it faithfully--NO outside tidbits!! He told us most people find this part VERY difficult--they break the rules, wrecking chances for success. It is a special formulation (must buy through the vet, but reasonable in cost--especially when it worked such MAGIC--food is by Royal Canin--no this is not a paid endorsement!) consisting basically of venison and potatoes (plus of course it includes necessary doggie supplements). The vet further stated that many allergies are triggered by different types of protein, hence the limitation in the (dry kibble type) food. Our boy has been problem-free since! We also switched to a special soothing oatmeal-based dog shampoo while he was healing, but he now is fine with any shampoo. It was really the food issue. Treats are now carrots and other veggies (no dog buscuits!) such as green beans or broccoli, all of which he loves) and he is (medication-free!)happy and scratch-free! Every dog is different--hope you find the right protocol to heal sweet Maggie!
Posted by: adele | January 25, 2009 at 07:26 PM
Have they figured out exactly what she's allergic to, Kim? Believe it or not, my parents once had a dog who was allergic to grass! They bathed him in medicated shampoo, and that helped... but I don't know what kind. Do you want me to check with the vet in St. Augustine and see if they have any special shampoos there? They have all sorts of things in their clinic that I don't see other places. If so, email me.
Sheila :-)
Posted by: Sheila | January 25, 2009 at 07:45 PM
I am so sorry for her. As someone else mentioned in their comments above, has her thyroid been checked? My grandfather had a dog that had the same problem, and the poor thing looked just horrible. Sure enough, it was a thyroid condition. The vet prescribed medicine for the thyroid, and the itching stopped. Take her to the vet & have her checked. It is just a simple blood test. Also, I would ask the Vet about giving her any human shampoos. I used to bath my dog with Pantene until my vet said that was a big NO NO.
I also have a thyroid condition, Graves Disease, and I have to take medicine for the rest of my life. I am a big advocate on getting it checked out. It really can lead to so many various issues.
I love animals so much, and hate to see them suffer. Please keep us updated on her.
Posted by: Nicole | January 25, 2009 at 07:48 PM
Hope you're feeling better soon Maggie!
Posted by: ksarrasarra | January 25, 2009 at 07:53 PM
Oh Kim, poor Maggie, My vet has started me giving my Maggie fish oil capsules, or you can give her a sardine a day. I had to go with pouring the oil in the capsules over her food and she loves it. I couldn't look at the sardines but Maggie loved them too. The vet says the fish oil is great for their skin and their pads on their feet. Ready for a laugh, She, being my dogs vet told me I needed to take them too, so now Maggie and I are taking them. I hope you find what works really soon because I know she is just miserable and that makes you unhappy too. We love our babies and would do anything to help them.
Jean in Virginia
Posted by: Jean Eakin | January 25, 2009 at 08:02 PM
Nothings worse than an itchy miserable baby-dog. I know because I have one too. Our pug went through a year long series of allergy shots and that did away with everything but the flea allergy, which is SEVERE! I can't overstate how sensitive some dogs are to even one flea bite, it sets off a cycle that lasts for days. Frontline isn't working as well as it should, so we are switching to Revolution. Our vet said Benadryl can be given as often as needed.
Good luck, Miss Maggie!
Posted by: carol | January 25, 2009 at 08:10 PM
AWWWW poor little thing, the photo tells it all. I sure wish I could help you out. I hope you can find a way to stop Maggie's itches.
Posted by: Alauar Parrish | January 25, 2009 at 08:34 PM
Hi! Have been reading your blog for several months now and just love it! My son in law gave me his dog several years ago that had no hair left because of some type of problem-either fleas, food, or some type of weeds. The little dog was so bad I didn't even take him to the vet because I was afraid he would put him to sleep. I gave him a bath 2 times a day with a shampoo for pets with skin conditions (found in the pet section) and I fed only rice which I boiled in a large amount a couple of times a week mixed with either lamb or chicken. A vet told me years ago that some dogs are allgeric (?) to beef. Well, that was over 20 years ago and 'Dusty' is STILL alive and looks like a showdog! He is a cocker spaniel and he always waited to eat till I tied his ears up with a red bandana at each meal so they wouldn't get in his food! The best dog ever that let me treat and wash him and gave me no problems. Good Luck. Sharon
Posted by: sharon | January 25, 2009 at 08:47 PM
My little "Doxie,", Ginger, gets the itchies too. My vet has me give her some little tablets that I can buy at Wal-Mart. They are an Anthistomine that you can get over the counter....."Equate Chlotabs". They are very inexpensive. The vet said to give her a half a tablet two-three times a day. I give Ginger her pills twice a day with her food. It really has helped!!!! She used to scratch herself until she was raw.
When she does get a hot spot we have prescription spray from the vet called "GentaSpray Topical Spray".
I really hope you will try the Chlortabs from Wal Mart. Our dog doctor wants to use steroids only as a last resort. Please let me know how poor Maggie is doing? I know it is miserable for her and hard for you to watch when she is so uncomfortable. Debbi
Posted by: Debbi | January 25, 2009 at 09:31 PM
I'm sorry she's got the itchies. Has the vet diagnosed her with allergies? My now "late" Bailey girl was literally allergic to the world...both inside and out. She was always itchie with watery eyes and runny nose. She was on temeral=P for the itching and skin issues, and the food we found that she did not react to was Natural Choice herring and rice. It stinks! But was so worth the extra $$$. She also recieved grooming with no perfumes, and only all natural oatmeal washes and soaks. I couldn't use any kind of perfumes or perfumed lotions or sprays around her and we had to keep air purifiers on as well. Good luck! I hope your sweet miss feels better soon!
Posted by: Rechelle | January 25, 2009 at 11:52 PM
Our dog chews her paws... they said it's allergies.. flax seed oil helped...
Posted by: Jen R | January 26, 2009 at 12:06 AM
I had a friend who's dog had this same problem. She had to fix her dog oatmeal and rice everyday - rather than dog food when it flared up. I hope Maggie feels better soon - she is adorable.
Posted by: Clare | January 26, 2009 at 12:51 AM
Goodness, Maggie. How miserable. I hope you're feeling better soon. I wish I had some words of advice.
Love you, sweet Maggie
Posted by: D'Ann | January 26, 2009 at 01:33 AM
I soaked and bathed our pup in/with Aveeno oatmeal colloidal soak.. It seems to help some...
Posted by: Sharon Kaldor | January 26, 2009 at 02:50 AM
Hi Kim,
Unfortunately I can not help, just hope that Maggie will replace ...
Un abrazo, Ana!
Posted by: Ana. | January 26, 2009 at 03:54 AM
Posted by: mishelle | January 26, 2009 at 04:17 AM
this might sound odd but it really might work.. coconut oil..you can buy pet grade
Posted by: The Joyfulhomemaker | January 26, 2009 at 05:03 AM
Apparently some dogs have gluten allergies (gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, barley and rye grains and their by-products) and often these are added to pet foods. Hope you find a remedy!
Posted by: Lorraine | January 26, 2009 at 07:24 AM
My daughter in law started making her own food and she has stopped itching..also dino-bites are suppose to work.
Posted by: Lisa Sheets | January 26, 2009 at 08:21 AM
Hi Kim,
Poor Maggie--we have Gracie, a Lhasa Apso who who when we got her had terrible itching issues. We tried different shampoos, Prednisone, foods, etc. I finally figured out on my own that she is allergic to ANYTHING that has wheat flour in it. She now only eats Iams MiniChunks ProActive Health dog food. When we go to my daughter's house, Gracie will eat out of her dogs bowls and within about three hours or so she will start itching and it will take a day or so for it to stop. No pizza crust bites, no toast scraps, no cookie bites, no wheat period.
She is an absolute delight and happy as can be with no itching!!!
The reason we got her was because her original owners were going to have her put to sleep, because they couldn't deal with the itching and didn't think she could either.
Posted by: judi | January 26, 2009 at 09:19 AM
Just about a month ago, our dog Scruffy was itching like crazy. We tried everything but turns out he had flees. In the winter! I hadn't seen any on him but he had them. One treatment made all the difference!
Good luck.
Posted by: brooke | January 26, 2009 at 10:05 AM
I also have to agree that the fish oil supplements work wonders. My huskie puppy had the worst scales and that's what helped the most. Make sure you have her checked for mites, though.
Posted by: | January 26, 2009 at 10:34 AM
Oh dear. Poor Maggie. I feel for her. I know you said you tried shampoos but have you tried the anti-itch shampoo from Doctors Foster and Smith? I've used it on Margot and it has worked for her.
Good luck!
Posted by: Karla | January 26, 2009 at 10:54 AM
only natural products truly work that I know of and adding wild caught salmon oil added to the food. It takes about 2-3 weeks but you will notice results fairly quickly. Hope this helps
Posted by: Cynthia, TX | January 26, 2009 at 11:07 AM
Basically there are two types of allergies in dogs. The first type is inhalant with allergies to various pollens, dusts (both outdoor and indoor), dander, etc. These dogs are typically itchy seasonally, and you can practically set your calendar by various bouts with ear infections, hotspots or excessive itching. The other type is food allergy. Some dogs can develop an intestinal irritation or allergy to food, but an even larger group will develop an allergy to some component of the food that will show up as itchy, irritable skin. Many pet owners have their vet give an injection often referred to as an “allergy shot.” These shots are often a steroid injection that stays in the body long-term and can help control the symptoms for several weeks.
Posted by: Cheryl Comfort | January 26, 2009 at 11:19 AM
Hey Kim, Check and see if her food and treats have a lot of wheat and gluten in them. One of my friend's dog started itching and losing his hair, they think they have traced it to a gluten or wheat allergy. Changed his food and his hair is coming back and itching has stopped. I even get itchy skin when I have had too much wheat in my diet. Poor Maggie! Oliver sends his love. vicky
Posted by: Vicky Smart Gransee | January 26, 2009 at 11:31 AM
I wonder if it is winter dry skin? Poor girl. I hope you find a solution quickly!
Posted by: Mom2fur | January 26, 2009 at 12:21 PM
I had a Scottie with bad skin allergies. A steroid shot given by his vet every few weeks would help for a while, along with oatmeal shampoo. Good luck. Hope Maggie feels better soon!
Posted by: Donna | January 26, 2009 at 12:35 PM
Dear Kim, Try adding a tablespoon of olive oil to her meal. I did this with my mini schnauzer and it helped. She may be allergic to something or just be sensitive. Ask your vet. And may I say that I stumbled onto your blog about a week ago and love coming here. I love the music list, the content and I love coming to Florida from cold, frozen northern Ohio! Thanks for a great blog and good luck with you doggie. (We have the schnauzer - a rescue doggie, and a shi - poo, a poodle shi - tzu mix). P.S. My vet says benadryl does not affect dogs like humans, it's a waste of time and benadryl.
Posted by: Christine | January 26, 2009 at 01:42 PM
I don't have any advice, but I did want to sent a big cyber hug to poor Maggie. I hope she feels better soon.
Posted by: lilyhaven | January 26, 2009 at 02:18 PM
Well I tell my clients while this time of year is harder on the skin. and we do become dry and unconfortable. the cold is part of the own reason. But I do have another theroy we do not ingest enough water during the winter months we are not hot and so we dont drink as much water check her water intake has it change? if so get her to play hard so she will drink water when we are dehydrated we are not thirsty it is not until we are hydrated that we become thirsty. now I know you have done shampoes are they dog ones? if so, have you tryed people t- gell shampoe? keep it away from her eyes call your vet I have used it on one of my Dogs also remember baking soda is a great neutralizer but I think she needs water and t_gell call the vet and check out my theroy. I live in reno nevada... dry cold weather. hope she gets the relief she deserves.
Posted by: laurie herring | January 26, 2009 at 02:45 PM
Oh, God bless Miss Maggie. Sophie gets that way in the summertime. We think it's grass allergy, and of course it's impossible to keep her out of the grass. The only thing that has seemed to help is prednisone, but we don't like to give her that all time. Oatmeal shampoo has helped a bit.
Posted by: Susan Ramey Cleveland | January 26, 2009 at 03:17 PM
Quite a few people have mentioned it, and I agree:
fish oil pills!!!
Posted by: Kim A. | January 26, 2009 at 03:30 PM
It might be her food, even though you said you may have tried that. Here is a link to a helpful site on dog food and what is in it.
I hope that helps her!
Posted by: Beth | January 26, 2009 at 05:46 PM
Try some fish oil, extra virgin coconut oil or even extra virgin olive oil. They work wonders for itchy pets. I'm partial to the coconut oil because it doesn't go rancid quickly and it's got super nutrients in it. My dogs love it! No itchy skins here.
Posted by: jean | January 26, 2009 at 06:19 PM
I forgot to mention - check to see if your dog's food has wheat or any gluten in it. That is a major cause of dog allergies. Specialty pet shops usually have gluten free foods and treats that are much better for our babies.
Posted by: jean | January 26, 2009 at 06:22 PM
Hi Kim,
Thanks so much for visiting Cottage Glamour. I enjoy your blog very much!
I have a little guy that is a Terrier mix. He's had itching problems for a long time. The vet told me that it was allergies. I've noticed that keeping a sweater or shirt on him helps a lot. I'm trying a new food right now that doesn't contain any corn or wheat. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Posted by: Tanya | January 26, 2009 at 09:29 PM
Hi Kim,
Oh - poor Maggie - my Bentley had the itchcy - itchcy skin until I started giving him a product called DermaBlend. We get it from his Vet and it has vitamin E, and flax seed oil. His skin and coat looks much better and he no longer itches.
Good Luck,
Hugs and Blessings,
Erin and Bentley
Posted by: Erin | January 26, 2009 at 09:44 PM
G'day from Australia Kim!
thanks for popping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment, nice to meet you, I have happily lurked here often *smile, I love your happy decor...
poor maggie, I hope she gets better
Posted by: sarah abeachcottage | January 26, 2009 at 09:55 PM
Try this: Cut a leg from a pair of nylons. Pour about a cup of oatmeal into the nylon, and tie a knot in the open end. Run a bath for Miss Maggie, and put the "oatmeal sachet" under the running water. Now put Maggie into the tub and let her soak in it for a few minutes. Then rinse her off and love her up. :) Good luck!
Posted by: Tammy Gilley | January 26, 2009 at 10:00 PM
I didn't read all the comments, so I don't know if someone has mentioned these things. I'm an herbalist, so I'm all natural!! (at least at first, then I'm running to the drug store!LOL!)
If she were mine, I would give her fish oil. Just pour it over her food. Most dogs like it, but if she's a picky eater, you can get her pills and make her take them.
Fish oils are Omega 3 fatty acids. Not only will that lubricate her skin from the inside, but they also act as an anti-inflammatory, so it should take away the itch. Also, the DHA in fish oil is good for the brain, so, just in case she's got nervous itching on TOP of dry skin, it should help that too.
ALSO. Animals respond INCREDIBLY to flower essence oils. Bach Flower's is a good brand. Go to Whole Foods or a health food store and ask for Rescue Remedy (good for stress which can cause itching)
I also just found this product which looks really good. I don't personally know this company, but you should read the page.
I hope all that helps! I hate to see them scratching!! My dog licked and scratched from stress when we adopted him. The rescue remedy and fish oils really helped him.
Posted by: Megan | January 26, 2009 at 10:56 PM
I don't know any remedies, but just wanted to say she is SO sweet. Hope you can find out what ails her. Any thoughts of testing for allergies...do they do tht for doggies?
Posted by: Julie | January 26, 2009 at 11:31 PM
Hi love-
You may want to explore allergens in your home. Sometimes the items we use to keep our homes clean and fresh aren't so swell for our pets. Try washing her bedding with sent free detergent--the same for dryer towels. Although apple/mango smells devine, it may not be so good for princess maggie.
Such a sweet face that one has!
Your melodies are lovely...
Posted by: ana roat | January 26, 2009 at 11:45 PM
Hi, we just finally fixed this problem with our cairn terrier. I don't know what the special food is that you were giving her but we found that corn and soy cause the itches (which lead to the bald spots...grrr). I actually avoided the vet this time around and went to the feed store and talked with them instead. Problem literally fixed overnight. Good luck. I hope Maggie gets to feeling better
Posted by: Tamara Bell | January 27, 2009 at 12:45 AM
hi kim, I agree with Donna, using omega 3 fish oil and yogurt/kefir. While this kicks in, use extra virgin coconut oil 100% organic on skin if your dog skin looks irratated. You can buy the good stuff at a health food store.Good Luck! If your not sure look on-line to see all the uses for EV coconut oil.
Posted by: Monica | January 27, 2009 at 01:01 AM
OK - it could be what she is eating but I wonder if its your lawn or do you have this creeping plant called "Wandering Jew"? Its highly allergic . Get rid of it !
Another idea is giving her some flax seed oil in her food or I used to give my Pekingese who had dry skin a sardine fish everyday from a tin! Good luck - itches are so difficult!
Posted by: Melinda | January 27, 2009 at 01:15 AM
We had a similar problem with both dogs recently when the formulation was changed on the dog food we use. We switched to a new brand (human-grade food) and we are also giving the dogs a little salmon oil each day. They are no longer scratching!
Posted by: Chris | January 27, 2009 at 06:46 AM
Tea tree oil is what I use on my dog who has lots of allergies. It works very well. Can I ask what kind of cake /pie that is below? It looks so delicious I just cant help but ask. Hope your baby is better soon.
Posted by: kelly | January 27, 2009 at 08:02 AM
Our shitzu has had the same problems as of late...she is four and has always had some skin issues such as "hot spots" mainly from playing with our lab who plays with her and after they have their playtime, Cookie is always a little damp from Maggie's salvia...so the hot spots were a result of moisture from our Maggie...However, now Cookie the shitzu has started licking her underside like crazy...mainly the lower end of her body...it got so bad I started giving her Benadryl...dosage 1 mg. for each pound...it did help some...along with oatmeal dog shampoo (I found at Petsmart/Petco) FINALLY after several weeks of itching I took her in...they gave her a steriod shot w/anthistamine....said it would last for about 8 weeks...that was 2 weeks ago...and she is doing great! He told me it could be a number of things...but ruled out mites, fleas and dry skin. He said, that little dogs that are low to the grown seem to have more problems with this in his findings...and that the morning dew that accumalates on their underside...sometimes causes it to be worse. So we try to keep her as dry as possible...give her Oatmeal baths when we think she may start up again...and will probably repeat the shot in 8 weeks...it has made so much difference...plus when dogs lick or bite at the itches it can cause fungus and problems from the germs and salvia harbored in their mouth! YUCK!
Plus make sure they check her ears for mites, too...that could be another issue...
Good luck...please give Maggie our best...try the Oatmeal Shampoo Bath for relief...and the Benadryl and if those work she most likely has seasonal allergies...and again, these can come on at any time in a dogs life...just like real people!
Posted by: Teresa | January 27, 2009 at 08:12 AM