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The Music of Daisy Cottage

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Let Your Home Be Your Heart

  • What I hope for my readers and for all keepers of the nest, is that they embrace their homes with their heart and all of the passion that it holds. I want them to know that they can decorate on a limited budget by seeing things in new ways; by rescuing the broken and transforming the ugly. I hope that they flaunt their favorite color and decorate their life with it. I hope that their homes feel like one giant hug that welcomes them each and every time they walk through their front door. More than anything I want everyone to have their own home-sweet-home dream come true! xo, Kim

« She Just Wanted To Say.... | Main | Stranger on the Shore »

September 15, 2007


Debbie L.

Kim, this was fun and different. If you are weird then Im right there with ya:)

"Goodnight Kim"

Have a nice evening,
Debbie L.


It's not weird, it's sweet. I do the same sometimes. Could you show your cross collection sometime? My daughter Amanda has a cross collection, and I know she would love to see it.
Have a great weekend.
Goodnight Kim,


You always take the best pictures. The lighting is good, the color is good, the subjects are good.... I'm envious.


nothing wrong with loving when leaving
good nite ladies!


An adorable post. Not only great eyecandy with sweet sentiments but you brought back many memories of reading that same book to my children. Thanks, once again.....

Michelle E.~Vintage Pastiche

What a sweet post Kim. I love that book also.

We have a "Marley" too! :)

Goodnight Kim


Barbara @ Southern Lady's Vintage

Kim, I love that red mirror!


Oh, I love that book! Love your pictures, and thanks for sharing that sweet thought!


I loved that post and have always loved the book also :) Your cross collection is beautiful.


That's so sweet!. I, too, read "Goodnight Moon" to my daughter when she was little. When Daddy would come home after dark, she would jump in his arms and they would both look up to the sky and say "Goodnight Moon!" It doesn't get much better than that. Thanks for taking me back and helping me remember those times.


Even though my boys are grown and gone I sometimes find myself talking in childrens' bookspeak. Such as "a mouse has cut the wire...goodbye". ( Dr Seuss)


Kim - You are sooo not weird! Every night when I close the front curtains that look out onto a view of our mountains, I always say, "goodnight mountains". Maybe we should form a "goodnight" club!
Goodnight Kim


.....and "good night", Miss Daisy-Kim....
xoxoxo fifi


You are so sweet! I love reading your blog.

Good nite, sleep tight,


I'm not going to say you're crazy, I'm just going to say you're SOUTHERN. lol I swear I think my grandma and my mother both said good-night to the many "ghosts" they thought lived in my grandparents home. It was part of their Southern Charm. my sister and I didn't ALWAYS call it that, but that's what we're calling it now. So keep telling things in your house goodnight. I mean, how bad would you feel if you found out later they really WERE listening and you stopped talking to them because someone told you it was crazy!?!

Betty @ She's Sew Pretty

I usually just say "Good night John-boy_..." if you're around my age and watched the Waltons you will know what I mean...and I loved Good Night Moon too...good night light and the red balloon.


Sweet dreams!



Well, I find myself saying 'Hello!' to my sweet 1926 Cottage when I wake up in the mornings and when I return home, so I guess I am a bonafide member of your club, too!

I think it comes from really feeling connected to your home, like it is a 'living' extension of your personality.

Junie Moon

It seems quite endearing to me. Before bed tonight, I'm going to say goodnight to my house, too.

Dayami Lauzurique

Hi Kim,
This post was so sweet and to tell you the truth Im right there with ya! I know exactly what you mean. I've done the same thing. And I LOVE that book!!!


Kim,i love the red mirror on the yellow wall :) rosemary

Mrs. Staggs

This is one of the things that I like best about you Kim. You are just your sweet self!
I don't actually say "goodnight" to things, but I do, of an evening, before bed, sort of look around at my home and the things that make me content, and feel like I'm a very, very lucky person.


Night Night Miss Kim! Nighty Night Marley and Maggie!




me too! that book is still tucked away in a moving box,it is worn out but it went through every single one of my kids...and good night to you too Daisy!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

Sometimes I like to come here just to listen to "Stranger on the Shore." It's so soothing. It's morning now, but "Good Night, Daisy Cottage."


I do the same thing. ;)
And many times I say 'Good Morning'.


I think that its sweet! It shows how much you love your little cottage.

Angel Jem

Makes sense to me. I always tell the house when we're going on holiday to be good & careful, don't talk to strangers and we'll be back soon. I used to shout it, til the husband said that was as good as advertising an empty house! (now I whisper it)


Hi Kim,

You have created such a warm and graciously gentle home that so many of us out here are truly in love with it. Personally I think I would have to smooch the walls before going to sleep if I lived there!



I read Goodnight Moon to Ashley for so long that she could recite the book to this day (she's 22).

I love the idea of saying goodnight to your favorite things, maybe there should be more "weirdos" like you!


What a sweet post. I still read that book to my little girl. xo


Your blogs are always so inspiring. Thanks for a pleasant Sunday read!


What a lovely way to end the day! You may have inspired me to start a new tradition in my home.

Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

I don't think that's weird at all, just very sweet. I'm more of a "Good morning little Jacaranda Cottage!" myself. lol

Kimla Cotropia

Hello! Just found your blog in Romantic Homes and it is just adorable!! A breath of fresh air!! I plan on reading the entire blog and checking back often.


Oh yes, we love that book! *B


You have made me weepy. I used to read that book to my sweet babies, who are now all grown up. That paired with the music that plays on your blog.... oh my... what a softy I am.... music and special memories... what a great combination. Thank you... thank you ... thank you!


Sounds sound to me! rofl...maybe we all are crazy? Lots more fun this way so who gives a heck! "Our" fave book to read was a Margaret Wise Brown as well..but it was "Home for a Bunny"..which we still have. I just love it! Kim your tops with me! xoxo, Cherry


From all these comments, it sounds like everyone loved that book! I realized the colors of your house are very similiar to the illustrations :). It was always my daughter's favorite bedtime story. I look forward to the day when I have grandchildren and can read it again with them. Do you think the dog will listen for now?? ;))


Yes, I do it too. Especially when the pups,Lulu & Braxton, and I go out for their last potty. We say good-night to the moon and the stars and Chicker & Ophelia, the chickens. My neighbors may think I'm nuts, the the pups don't and that's all
that matters!


Such an endearing post, dear Kim. "Goodnight Moon" was also a dear favorite with me and my daughter. Did you ever notice that there's a little mouse hiding in every picture (except one)? He's not always easy to find!

Good night, sleep tight.

Sheryl from Michigan

Hey, you forgot. . .

Good night John Boy, Good Night Mary Ellen, . . .



Your a cutie patootie and that's why we all love you and your blog so much.

You say the things we want to say but you say it better.

:) Bren


I was SO waiting to see one of your pretty bowls filled with mush! G'night Moon was my favorite book to read the the girls each night too. As well, hearing your Dad's song cue up as your blog opens floods me with early childhood memories too. One of these days I'll have to add music to my blog! Thanks for the sweet memories Kim!


Hi Kim,
You are tooo cute! I love my home and my "things" and I think it is wonderful that we find joy in the little things in life. Goodnight Kim! Love your blog!~Rosemary~


Sweet - loved all the photos. I sometimes do that too (but then I quite often talk to myself too!)


You know I catch myself doing that, but it's more like.......DD gave me an item, Mom left me her hutch, DS gave me a raccoon for my collection, my best friend from high school gave me a vase, various forum friends have sent me things, so I'm not just saying goodnight to the item, I am more blessing the friend or family member who gave the item to me. They are in my special thoughts regularly when I look around my home! Thank you for making me think that through and realize what I am really doing!

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Thank You Dear Sis!

Thank you Fifi!

  • "It's people like yourself that make everything beautiful and worthwhile." ~ Fifi

Thank You Ida!

  • Kim I just wanted to thank you again for allowing us into your sweet home! I absolutely loved being there and looking around with you. Your hospitality and sweet spirit make the home even more beautiful! Thanks for reminding me that one day I too will have my "dream come true!" ~ Ida - MOPS Member

Thank You Jane!

  • "I just discovered your blog and am blown away with the comfortable, almost nostalgic feel of it...almost like finding a long-lost friend after many years apart...somehow familiar, but all so exciting and new." ~ Jane

Thank You Dena!

  • "Kim, I love your blog. I so appreciate you sharing every day. I miss you when you're gone. Losing my dear sweet baby boy in Iraq has made me treasure life and those so dear to me. Reading your blog is such therapy for me. You have made me treasure the finer things in life that I use to overlook. Birds singing, flowers blooming, my home and all of the treasures within it. I'm not sure that I ever looked at a teacup or saucer and saw such detail and beauty in it." ~ Dena

Thank You Grace!

  • "I would like to let you know what a joy it is to wake up each morning and read your delightful blog. I always feel as if you are speaking directly to me. Since I was diagnosed with an immune disease a year ago I wanted only to read positive and very inspiring blogs and your blog was the first I found. I think maybe the good Lord meant for me to find your blog and since then it has been nothing but smiles all around. I have tried very hard to stay positive about this disease and very up beat. I know that there is no cure and I have accepted this, but reading things with a positive message and filled with so much love helps. This is where you come in and I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and to let you know how very much you and Miss Maggie are loved." ~ Grace

Thank You Francesca!

  • "Oh my! I have just stepped into heaven. A nostalgic, magic, getaway place where folk love one another and life is sweet. Kim, you will probably never know just how many hearts you have touched with your site. " ~ Francesca

Thank You Kathy!

  • "I visited my friends with their tasteful beige homes and sometimes questioned if there was anyone else in this world who loved the things I did. Then I found Daisy Cottage and a whole community of other women who shop the side of the road, paint their furniture fun colors, and aren't afraid to fill their homes with touches of whimsy and fun. What a relief! We aren't alone! I'm not alone. Thanks for all your inspiration and for confidently sharing your home and the idea that we can have fun with our decorating. I never get tired of visiting here Kim." ~ Kathy

Thank you Rue!

  • "That hankie is like you and your blog Kim. In the middle of all of the other beautiful hankies, it's the one that stands out and makes you feel at home." ~ Rue

Thank You Jeanette!

  • "Sigh.... between your music, red and yellow mellow feeling and wonderful writing I just feel so calm. What would I do without you in the morning with my cup of coffee." ~ Jeanette

Thank You Lenna!

  • "My eyes have been opened to a world I never knew existed. Such vibrant creativity, such caring community: it literally takes my breath away. After so much loneliness and isolation it is overwhelming to me that such a world even exists. In time I hope to be able to fill my garden of life with lovely, loving friends instead of the weeds of loneliness. Until that time lace tablecloths will come out of storage, music and lovely scents will fill the air of this home. And I shall visit the Daisy Cottage when I feel despair raise its dark, obscuring head, for I know from experience, that it is ever lurking behind that next bout of pain and weakness. Your kind and generous response has strengthened my resolve, you have helped me more than you will ever know, my new-found friend." ~ Lenna

Thank You Rose!

  • "What I love best about Daisy Cottage is Kim. I love the way you appreciate every good thing in life and embrace joy in every moment." ~ Rose

Thank You Lisa!

  • "Here's how I can best describe into words how your blog made me feel. You know when you wake up in the morning and there's an early morning thunderstorm and every room in your house is as dark as night? Then, the rain and thunder stop and the sun comes shining through all the windows and you just know it's going to be a beautiful, sunshine day? Well, that's how finding Dear Daisy Cottage made me feel. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kim. You blessed my day and may God do the same for you." ~ Lisa B.

Thank you Pamela!

  • "I am so touched by your words and photographs. Whether in happy or sad times, you inspire my heart and soul. We all need each other's light and you offer us that dose of sunshine." ~ Pamela

Thank you Joy!

  • "Your blog has helped me start to see the beauty in life again." ~ Joy

Thank You Anne!

  • "Thank you for your wonderful blog. I have been "lurking" but had to share with you how much you have helped me embrace the fun of decorating. I came to your blog looking for pictures to inspire me as I redecorate my house with cottage style. Today I was so tangled up in doing it "right" that it was really depressing me. I visited your blog again for some fresh ideas and came away realizing that there is no "right." Just me being me and enjoying my home! I am laying here in bed with tears in my eyes - tears of happiness that it is okay to be me and let that shine through in my house and what I wear and what I make with my hands. You are God's gift to me today and I thank Him and you." ~ Anne

Thank You Tracy!

  • "Your words and thoughts of encouragement help me see myself with value. You are a blessing. Thank you." ~ Tracy

Thank you Karen!

  • "Your humble spirit has not changed through your many posts here in Blogland. You have been blessed with a special gift and I am very thankful you share it with us." ~ Karen

Thank You Betty Jo!

  • "You truly inspire me to do whatever I can in my own little nest. I've always been an artistic dreamer, but you've enlarged my dreams with your way of seeing." ~ Betty Jo
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