The late August afternoon that we stumbled upon an old cottage bungalow for sale was when my "somewhere over the rainbow" dream came true. A For Sale sign was planted in the tiny front yard and I asked my husband to pull into the driveway. Our teenage daughter was with us and as we got out of the car, our eyes saw a huge front porch with a white swing beckoning quietly for us to try it out. We did, and that in a nutshell, was all it took for my heart to fall in love with the faded yellow cottage. For you see, I had been living in a house just like this one, only in my dreams. The very next day, we threw caution to the wind and after offering full price, it was ours, quirks and all! We finally had bought our "dream home". Let the packing begin!
Now, eleven months later, as I sit here in my comfy chair and write this, I feel the urge to still pinch myself to see if my dream really has come true! Every morning I wake up, sip my first cup of coffee and feel so thankful that we have been given this chance to be "caretakers" of this sweet 84 year old house. We have now affectionately dubbed her "Daisy Cottage" for the happy, unpretentious flower that greets each day with a new bloom. This is the attitude that we want to have while living our days here within these old plaster walls.
It took us some time to finally arrive here, however. Twenty six years to be exact! First there were apartments, then starter homes, and babies. We were happy being a family in our ranch-style home for the last 14 years. We were always remodeling and working on projects. That home will forever hold a special place in my heart as it was where our children truly grew up. But my "dream" never went away. Years went by and my book and magazine collection featuring lovely cottages and old houses grew by the basketfuls. My car seemed to know its' way by heart to the historic district as I'd drive by one cute old house after another, all the while envying the lucky homeowners who were living there. Their friendly porches with pots of happy flowers and welcoming front doors were perfect to me. And now the cottage-life dream has become our reality!
We've been spending our time so far painting and planting, cleaning and decorating. I love to scour the thrift shops and often wake up early on Saturday mornings to hit the yard sales. My little white VW "bug" gets packed to the brim with cottage treasures for our home. Ceramic roosters perch on kitchen cabinets, vintage curtains hang in the sun drenched windows. Various collections, none of monetary value only heart value, fill our rooms. This cottage seemed ready for lots of fun, spunky color and I happily tried to oblige.
We chose the boldest, happiest yellow paint for the outside of Daisy Cottage and planted our own gerber daisies. Two white rocking chairs don our front porch and provide the perfect place to sit for quiet evening chats. Neighbors pass by. Birds bathe in the bird bath and squirrels help themselves to our trees. It is like heaven and life is good. Our "empty nest" is right around the corner as our daughter graduates this year, but I hope that our cottage blessing will see us through that bittersweet time. And as the song goes - "the dreams that you dare to dream REALLY do come true."
How wonderful that you have achieved your dream, I look forward to seeing/hearing more about your lovely cottage. Like you I am new to blogging and have named my blog after our lovely 1930's English house I would love you to take a look sometime.
Posted by: carolyn | September 21, 2006 at 07:47 PM
Hi! It's Kim from One Woman's Cottage Life! Thank you for letting me know about your new cottage blog...Your home is just adorable - I love it:) I will be back to read more about what you're up to at Daisy Cottage!
Posted by: Twilightmama | September 22, 2006 at 03:25 PM
Just wanted to tell you how amazing your place looks and how impressed I am you've done so much with your dream home in just 11 months! You are an inspiration :)
Posted by: Pam | September 22, 2006 at 05:28 PM
SO SO darling!! Your house is perfect thanks for sharing!!
Posted by: Heather | September 22, 2006 at 11:32 PM
Hi Kim
Really lovely :-)
Tracy xxxx(Jersey Lillies)
Posted by: Tracy | September 23, 2006 at 02:02 PM
Thank you Carolyn, Kim, Pam, Heather, and Tracy for stopping by and for your sweet comments! I really appreciate them!!
Come "visit" anytime! :-)
Posted by: Kim | September 24, 2006 at 08:32 AM
Kim..... I've been brought to happy, sentimental tears as I've again visited Daisy Cottage and read your beautiful thoughts...
May you continue to live and pursue your dreams in your dream cottage... surrounded by your many memorable treasures...
janice (GI)
Posted by: janice vincent | September 24, 2006 at 03:23 PM
What a beautiful, darling cottage! It's wonderful to read about how you found your way here.
I found you through "Cottage By the Sea", and will be checking in with you daily as I blog along, too. Best regards! Meg
Posted by: Meg | September 28, 2006 at 02:28 PM
Thank you Janice! ((hugs))
Thank you Meg! I am not able to make a post on your blog as it won't let me, but wanted to tell you that your cottage is precious! I enjoyed your blog and will visit again! :-)
Posted by: Kim | October 01, 2006 at 07:32 AM
Wow! I felt like I was right there with you on the front porch...sipping some coffee in one of those comfy chairs. A talent for decor as well as writing! You never cease to amaze me Kim!!
Posted by: Lori | October 03, 2006 at 10:29 AM
Love the red dresser, Kim. You make me want to get out the paint and reinvent some of my run down furniture.
Posted by: Jen | October 16, 2006 at 06:35 PM
I just love your blog and your lovely yellow cottage! I will definately be back to "sit for a while"!
Posted by: southerness | October 19, 2006 at 08:19 AM
You have a beautiful home!!! I love yellow houses.
Posted by: Nancy | October 22, 2006 at 07:18 PM
I'm so happy to have come across your blog! I too dream of living in a cottage. But chances are, it won't happen. Which doesn't stop me from enjoying reading about and looking at any/all cottage things.
And I so love it, that you share so many pictures of your dream cottage. I'll be sure to come back again.
Posted by: 'MN' | December 06, 2006 at 11:51 PM
Such a lovely post about your lovely home. You are living my dream. I'm in a mid-century longing for a cottage just like yours! I'm blogrolling you so I can come here to sigh & dream.
Posted by: Monica | January 16, 2007 at 07:07 PM
I'm sitting here with my coffee reading through your wonderful archived posts. This is my favorite! I'm so happy you found your Daisy Cottage and are so willing to share your joys there with us in blogland. Thanks so much!!
Posted by: Betty Jo | February 07, 2007 at 10:35 AM
This is the first time that I have read this post and it is PERFECT!
Posted by: nikki brey | September 19, 2007 at 01:27 PM
I saw the article in Romantic Homes about your lovely blog. I didn't even know what a blog was but decided to take a look. I almost fell off my chair when your lovely cottage appeared and the wonderful music started playing. I have come for a visit everyday since. I am so happy to have found you and the other ladies who share their lives on an almost daily basis. You all have been so inspiring. I'm thinking of starting a blog myself. If I can figure out how to do it! Anyway congratulations on your first anniversary and thanks for making my life a little brighter. Sue
Posted by: Sue | September 19, 2007 at 10:42 PM
I love your blog site, I enjoy the music. I started reading your blogs a few months back. I didn't know there was so many crafters, thrifters, collectors out there. I thought I was the only packrat of crafts and thrifty stuff, thats what my husband calls me. But he takes me out every Saturday mornings so that I can go hunting for items, I love to collect. As a matter of fact today I stumbled a yard sale and got a whole bag full of vintage cross stitch samplers, fabric and some wonderful embrodierd samplers one was with an American flag with roses and the other said silver threads among te gold with a web done in silver with autumn leaves. All for $2 how lucky, I feel. Lots of luck with your cottage, I wish I had one just like yours. Happy last day of summer! Love ya!
Posted by: Marge | September 22, 2007 at 12:14 PM
I stumbled upon this Blog the other day by seeing it link on a separate site. I'm happy I did! I'm just now gonna start reading through it all from the very beginning.
So far, I'm quite picqued with interest, and will keep on reading until my eyes go sore and watery.
beautiful cottage by the way! It's also a dream of mine to own one just like it.
Posted by: | May 26, 2008 at 06:26 PM
Lovely house! Thanks for posting this. Beautiful color.
Posted by: Nursing PJs | April 29, 2010 at 03:28 AM
I found your page last night. I started a blog a few years ago and have only recently begun to tinker w/it as it has now resparked my interest. Maybe it's because I've had time on my side since my youngest was born three months ago. In any case, I'm new at it and so I've been stumbling through pages for days now which is how I stumbled onto you. I love your page. It's stood out above all the others for me because of your about me section. I love that story. I'm in the thirty-something/ranch house stage in my life and I've dreamed of owning an old jewel of a home for as long as I can remember so you've given me hope if not a little perspective on patience in waiting on my dream to come true. Thank you : )
Posted by: KItchen Witch | August 13, 2010 at 01:58 PM
I love your from-the-heart story of how the Daisy Cottage came to be! I relate to you and your site. I have always loved older homes and those beckoning front porches with the flowers in the spring/summer and pumpkins in the fall. I, myself, used to drive by scenic and beautiful neighborhoods and look at the homes as a joyful way to pass some time. My home is always full of decorating and home magazines stacked in a basket. I love to sit with a cup of coffee or tea and browse and dream. Also, must say that "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" is one of my favorite songs. I have even told my family that when I die, hopefully many years away and after a very full life, I want that song played at my funeral! HA Thank you for writing a beautiful tribute to your home. Dreams really do come true!
Sincerely, Kim
Posted by: Kim Henneke-Singer | March 01, 2011 at 02:40 PM
Hi Kim I'm rereading your old posts which must be my third or forth time now and each time given me so much happiness and inspirations. Hope all is well with you Kim. Love,Boom
Posted by: Boom | January 21, 2012 at 10:55 PM